We live in such as fast paced world,running our kids to school, babysitter, and then off to work we go! Ok, I must admit I just heard Snow Whites dwarfs signing. Anyway, you understand what I am getting at I am sure. Then we pick up the kids and off again Sports, shopping, homework, dinner and whatever is added to our list of to do's. Did you stop to think of how many times we hear someone ask us "Do you need anything from town"? If your kids need a ride to practice, just call" So why is it we continue to complain about THE CRUNCH at the PUMP? Many of us continue to make useless trips, or go to the store and leave our list at home. So here is my shopping tip to my self, E_MAIL the list to my self, then check it on my cell phone. Sounds like to much work and I know it cost to log onto ...