Preston Trails Pickerington Market Update November 2021
By Christopher Lotte, Real Broker Technologies, 614-390-9243
(Real Brokerage Technologies)
Preston Trails Pickerington Market Update November 2021 Active Listings: Total Listings: 7 | Average List Price: $322,806 | Average SQFT: 2,710 | Average Price Per SQFT: $161 | Average Taxes: $2,969 | Average DOM: 37 In-Contract Listings: Total Listings: 3 | Average List Price: $295,630 | Average SQFT: 2,795 | Average Price Per SQFT: $148 | Average Taxes: $5,327 | Average DOM: 24 Sold Listings: Total Listings: 0 | Average List Price: $0 | Average SQFT: 0 | Average Price Per SQFT: $0 | Average Taxes: $0 | Average DOM: 0 There are currently 7 homes for sale in Preston Trails Pickerington Ohio. The Average list price for the Preston Trails Pickerington homes is $322,806 and the Average SQFT for the homes in Preston Trails Pickerington is 2,710 SQFT which comes to an Average of $161 per SQ...