Woodsfield (Pickerington, OH)
By Sam Cooper, Sam Cooper Howard Hanna Real Estate
(Howard Hanna Real Estate)
Woodsfield Pickerington Ohio Real Estate 2020Woodsfield Pickerington Ohio. 12 homes were sold in this charming neighborhood from January 1st, 2020 to December 31st, 2020. Pictured above is 9695 Meadow Wood Drive and was sold by The Sam Cooper Team, HER Realtors. This home was sold in just 2 days!Woodsfield Pickerington Ohio Stats. Of the 12 homes sold in Woodsfield, the average days on the market were 8 days. The longest days on the market was 26 and the shortest duration was 2 days.  These homes sold for $137/per square foot on average. The highest selling home in this group went for $252,500 and the lowest was $230,000. The Sam Cooper Team sold this home for $245,000.The Sam Cooper Team, HER Realtors sold this home, let them sell yours today! Contact the # 1 real estate team in Picker...
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By Sam Cooper, Sam Cooper Howard Hanna Real Estate
(Howard Hanna Real Estate)
Homes for Sale Woodsfield Pickerington OHHomes for Sale Woodsfield Pickerington OH are listed as one right now, according to Columbus MLS.  This one home has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, listed at $$209,800.  The home is on a quarter acre lot.  Information on this home:12024 Woodstock AvenueRanch style home featuring an airy floor plan, new carpet, new counter tops, updated backyard deck, and new driveway, lower level laundry, and a 2 car attached garage. If you are interested in homes for sale in Woodsfield Pickerington OH, be sure to contact Sam Cooper, HER Realtors.  Sam is the #1 selling real estate agent in Pickerington OH!  Call or text 614-561-3201.To view more information and photos for this property, visit Woodsfield Pickeringon OH Homes through www.samshouses.com. 
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By Sam Cooper, Sam Cooper Howard Hanna Real Estate
(Howard Hanna Real Estate)
 Sam Cooper, HER Realtor,Pickerington OH 43147Sam Cooper, HER Realtor, Pickerington OH 43147 is putting Central Ohio homes in contract left and right.  Pickerington is a desirable area in Central Ohio with great schools, shopping, and parks.  Columbus MLS shows that there have been 7 homes for sale in the Woodsfield Subdivision of Pickerington.  These 7 homes have had an average of 20 days on the market.12038 Woodstock Avenue (pictured above) in Woodsfield Subdivision was on the market with another realtor for 150 days, then Sam Cooper came on the scene and had this home in contract after 7 days of putting his marketing plan in place.  This remarkable two story home is on a large lot with mature trees and has a great deck with a hot tub for the home owners to enjoy.  The master bedroom ...
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By Christopher Lotte, Real Broker Technologies, 614-390-9243
(Real Brokerage Technologies)
There are currently 2 Woodsfield Pickerington Ohio Homes for Sale in Columbus Realtors MLS. The average days on site for Woodsfield Pickerington Homes is 46 Days with the average listing price for Woodsfield Pickerington Homes being $194,950. The most expensive Woodsfield Pickerington Home for sale is $205,000 and the cheapest Woodsfield Pickerington Home is $184,900.View All Woodsfield Pickerington Ohio Homes for Sale If you would like to buy a home in Woodsfield Pickerington, be sure to check out the links below!Woodsfield Pickerington Ohio Homes for SaleFeatured Pickerington Ohio SubdivisionsRavines At Tollgate PickeringtonAVG Price: $699,900 | AVG SQFT:5,097 | AVG $/SQFT: 148Cansada Estates PickeringtonAVG Price: $649,900 | AVG SQFT:6,594 | AVG $/SQFT: 99The Ravines At Tollgate Pick...
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By Christopher Lotte, Real Broker Technologies, 614-390-9243
(Real Brokerage Technologies)
There are currently 2 Woodsfield Pickerington Ohio Homes for Sale in Columbus Realtors MLS. The average days on site for Woodsfield Pickerington Homes is 36 Days with the average listing price for Woodsfield Pickerington Homes being $193,950. The most expensive Woodsfield Pickerington Home for sale is $205,000, and the cheapest Woodsfield Pickerington Home is $182,900.View All Woodsfield Pickerington Ohio Homes for Sale If you would like to buy a home in Woodsfield Pickerington, be sure to check out the links below!Woodsfield Pickerington Ohio Homes for SaleFeatured Pickerington Ohio SubdivisionsRavines At Tollgate PickeringtonAVG Price: $699,900 | AVG SQFT:5,097 | AVG $/SQFT: 148Cansada Estates PickeringtonAVG Price: $649,900 | AVG SQFT:6,594 | AVG $/SQFT: 99The Ravines At Tollgate Pic...
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By Christopher Lotte, Real Broker Technologies, 614-390-9243
(Real Brokerage Technologies)
There are currently 3 Woodsfield Pickerington Ohio Homes for Sale in Columbus Realtors MLS. The average days on site for Woodsfield Pickerington Homes is 34 Days with the average listing price for Woodsfield Pickerington Homes being $180,900. The most expensive Woodsfield Pickerington Home for sale is $189,900, and the cheapest Woodsfield Pickerington Home is $169,900.View All Woodsfield Pickerington Ohio Homes for Sale If you would like to buy a home in Woodsfield Pickerington, be sure to check out the links below!Woodsfield Pickerington Ohio Homes for SaleFeatured Pickerington Ohio SubdivisionsRavines At Tollgate PickeringtonAVG Price: $699,900 | AVG SQFT:5,097 | AVG $/SQFT: 148Cansada Estates PickeringtonAVG Price: $649,900 | AVG SQFT:6,594 | AVG $/SQFT: 99The Ravines At Tollgate Pic...
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By Christopher Lotte, Real Broker Technologies, 614-390-9243
(Real Brokerage Technologies)
There are currently 4 Woodsfield Pickerington Ohio Homes for Sale in Columbus Realtors MLS. The average days on site for Woodsfield Pickerington Homes is 64 Days with the average listing price for Woodsfield Pickerington Homes being $162,900. The most expensive Woodsfield Pickerington Home for sale is $174,900, and the cheapest Woodsfield Pickerington Home is $146,900.View All Woodsfield Pickerington Ohio Homes for Sale If you would like to buy a home in Woodsfield Pickerington, be sure to check out the links below!Woodsfield Pickerington Ohio Homes for SaleFeatured Pickerington Ohio SubdivisionsRavines At Tollgate PickeringtonAVG Price: $699,900 | AVG SQFT:5,097 | AVG $/SQFT: 148Cansada Estates PickeringtonAVG Price: $649,900 | AVG SQFT:6,594 | AVG $/SQFT: 99The Ravines At Tollgate Pic...
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Pickerington, OH Real Estate Professionals