Georges Creek (Pickerington, OH)
By Sam Cooper, Sam Cooper Howard Hanna Real Estate
(Howard Hanna Real Estate)
Active Listings~George's Creek~Pickerington OHCurrently there are two active listings in George's Creek Subdivision in Pickerington Ohio, according to Columbus MLS. These homes have 4 bedrooms 2.5 - 3.5 baths. They are both listed at $274,900. These two homes are: 131 Rolling Meadow Court - Two-story home with 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 2,452 sq ft living space-HER Realtors (pictured above) 272 Evergreen Court - Two-story home with 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2,832 sq ft living space-Balaloviski Real Estate If you are interested in any of these Homes for Sale in George's Creek Pickerington OH, be sure to contact Sam Cooper HER Realtors. Sam Cooper is the #1 selling real estate agent in Central Ohio! Call or text Sam at 614-561-3201. George's Creek Homes for Sale  
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By Christopher Lotte, Real Broker Technologies, 614-390-9243
(Real Brokerage Technologies)
There are currently 1 Georges Creek Pickerington Ohio Homes for Sale in Columbus Realtors MLS. The average days on site for Georges Creek Pickerington Homes is 24 Days with the average listing price for Georges Creek Pickerington Homes being $179,900. The most expensive Georges Creek Pickerington Home for sale is $179,900, and the cheapest Georges Creek Pickerington Home is $179,900.View All Georges Creek Pickerington Ohio Homes for Sale If you would like to buy a home in Georges Creek Pickerington, be sure to check out the links below!Georges Creek Pickerington Ohio Homes for Sale Bentwood Farms Bentwood Farms Mallard Pond Bentwood Farms Mallard Ponds Brookview Brookview Village Brookview Village Condo Cansada Estates Cherry Hill Chevington Woods Colony Park Countrywood Easton Village ...
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By Sam Cooper, Sam Cooper Howard Hanna Real Estate
(Howard Hanna Real Estate)
Georges Creek Pickerington Ohio: Recent Home Sales   According to the Columbus Ohio MLS, there were 3 recent home sales in Georges Creek Pickerington Ohio. Those home sales occured within the last 4 months ( October 1, 2010 to February 10, 2011 ). There are currently 3 homes in contract in Georges Creek Pickerington Ohio scheduled to close.   The highest recent home sale in Georges Creek Pickerington Ohio within the last 4 months was 109 Tulip Ct. selling for $220,000 and closing on January 24, 2011. The average selling price for homes sold per square foot in Georges Creek within the last 4 months was $75.32. The Sam Cooper Team sold one of those recent home sales located at 396 Evergreen Cir. in Georges Creek. If you know anyone thinking of buying or selling a home in Pickerington Ohio...
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Pickerington, OH Real Estate Professionals