What A Great Time To Be Looking For Your First House!
By Paddy (Patricia) Pizappi, Real Estate Associate Broker Hudson Valley NY
(Better Homes and Gardens Rand Realty)
It's Official - First Time Home Buyers Now Is Your Moment! With the stroke of a pen President Obama has opened the door to many of you for your first home. Yes, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 included an $8,000 incentive package for most first time home buyers. Your Bright And Shining Moment Won't Last Forever, Act Now!!! This incentive allows for a full tax credit of up to $8000 (or 10% of the purchase price of homes with a purchase price of less than $80,000 (not a reality in most cases here in the Greater Hudson Valley) for first time home buyers (or those that have not owned a primary residence in over 3 years) who have a maximum income of $75000 for a single taxpayer or up to $150,000 for a couple. Buyers with higher income levels may qualify for a reduced i...