Foreclosure Lists For Sale - No Guarantee You Understand....
By Paddy (Patricia) Pizappi, Real Estate Associate Broker Hudson Valley NY
(Better Homes and Gardens Rand Realty)
What about these Foreclosure Lists? I had a Buyer Client ask me if I had access to the foreclosure lists he keeps hearing about. I thought about how to answer him carefully. Of course I had been sending all the foreclosure homes on the MLS to him but he was looking for the "special deals" that everyone keeps telling him he should be looking at. You know, the houses being bought for pennies on the dollar.I told him that there are companies out there that for a fee will sign him up for daily emails with lists of homes that have been culled from the records of the county that are pre-foreclosure homes or that are actually foreclosed homes. They may even tell him when "the big auction on the court house steps" is for this property. I also mentioned that these homes are mostly bought b...