We All Need A Community
By Paddy (Patricia) Pizappi, Real Estate Associate Broker Hudson Valley NY
(Better Homes and Gardens Rand Realty)
Where is your neighborhood? Everyone wants to feel a sense of belonging somewhere. This is why social media platforms like Facebook and MySpace have taken off. This is why ActiveRain is such an important part of my day. Reading what other's have to say about real estate and about many other aspects of the world I live in helps me to feel involved. Everyone is searching for a community. The longing for a place to belong. My daughter Nicole was saying as much when she said that she could not wait for the rehearsals to begin for the Spring Musical. The students who are involved in these productions are her real community for now. I am happy that she became involved with this group because all kids seek a community whether it is a sports team, a school group, a childhood group of best...