Is it better to paint or do the floors first?
By Debbie Gartner, The Flooring Girl & Blog Stylist -Dynamo Marketers
(The Flooring Girl)
Many of my customers are redoing their floors and painting, and the smart customers ask whether it's best to do the floors first or paint first. Many are surprised by the answer...and they are glad they asked. So, to preface this, it somewhat depends on what type of flooring you are doing (as well as demo), what condition your walls are in and who is doing the painting. Assuming that you are getting the work done professionally, it is usually better to do most of the painting AFTER the flooring and most of the prep work BEFORE the flooring. The ideal is to first do any prep work to the walls - e.g.ripping up wall paper, sanding and patching walls, etc. The reason for that is that this can damage the floors. Also, it's often better to paint the ceilings first, especially given...