Quick tip of the day - Google Reviews
By Debbie Gartner, The Flooring Girl & Blog Stylist -Dynamo Marketers
(The Flooring Girl)
I think by now, most of us know we should be on Google places or google local...which I think has now been folded into google plus. Here is a link to our https://plus.google.com/106785613221594358563/about?hl=en There are certainly things here I'm trying to optimize (including linking to my correct website), but that's a story for another post. If you haven't done one for your business, do that today. I'm guessing that by following my link, you can do that and create your own. I think we also know, having reviews on here can help you. We currently have 6 reviews (we used to have more, but as google shifted their algorhythm some got kicked out). Oh well. Having reviews in here is important as customers see this as an objective 3rd party place and this will often come up when peop...