Technology tools I can't live without..
By Ken Cash, Lake Tahoe Lake Front Homes, Luxury Homes, Condomi
(CB Select Real Estate at Lake Tahoe - 775.691.3855 - )
THAT'S IT... I CANNOT BE WITHOUT MY ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE SOFTWARE !! This tool has made the biggest leap forward in my business. Background: We live and work in Lake Tahoe. Most of the sellers and buyers live elsewhere. As the years have come and gone it became easier to do business. First we hand wrote the one page contract, and three or four other disclosures then faxed them from the office to the parties. Most of us did not have a fax machine at home and besides, they where about as big as a desk. The pages came back too light, too dark, smeared, with strips down the full page, blurred. On and on this went. Every year they improved the quality. Units got smaller and the prices came down. Finally there were enough of the old big things that we could buy used ones pretty c...