
Pilesgrove, NJ Real Estate News

By Christine Hooks, Celebrating 25 Years in Real Estate!
(Pino Agency)
My Assistant's Bad Day...... Our assistants become our family, don't they?  Well, that is exactly how I feel about my associate, Billy.  It was time for his checkup, so I dutifully accompanied him to his doctor's visit.  It was hard to watch, but I knew he was in good hands.  Billy goes to Woodstown Veterinary Hospital in Woodstown, NJ.  They are all so nice there.....but Billy isn't convinced of that. They told him he needed shots, a blood-test, a pedicure and he was overweight. Oh yeah....poor ol' Billy has an overbite, too. I think he felt that he was being picked on. He was a good boy though. He stood still and behaved. I could read in his eyes that he wasn't having one bit of fun.  What upset him the most was the discussion about his weight.  Don't tell him that I told you this, bu...
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By Christine Hooks, Celebrating 25 Years in Real Estate!
(Pino Agency)
Lights!  Camera!  ACTION! "You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when fold 'em, know when to walk away.....know when to run" ~ Kenny Rogers in The Gambler You also gotta know when you may be in over your head and when to bring in the professionals. I'm working on the biggest listing of my nearly 19 year career.  (I'll tell you more about it at a later time.) I knew when to fold 'em and call Frank Vit Owner / Digital media designer with WLK Omnimedia.  I'd seen his work on Facebook with one of my fellow agents.  Her video was nothing short of beautiful.  I knew that this listing was deserving of the same kind of treatment. It is nothing short of beautiful, as well. I called Frank on a Wednesday and was able to secure an appointment for Friday.  He explained what to expect and how long he...
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By Christine Hooks, Celebrating 25 Years in Real Estate!
(Pino Agency)
I Love To Shop Local - Sweet Mary's Chocolates, Pilesgrove, NJ!  Joe and Mary Crevino of Sweet Mary's Chocolates visited with the Pennsville Woman's Club this afternoon.  Could there possibly be a better pair than women and chocolate? The Crevinos shared the story of the accidental beginning of their business ten years ago.  A friend of theirs was 'marrying off' their daughter and wanted some cute, little chocolate seashells to serve as favors.  Mary's mind went right to work.  She asked herself, "How hard could this be?"  They found out very quickly what a wonderful, friendly business this chocolate-thing is!  They have met fellow chocolate enthusiasts all over America, including Elaine Gonzalez who is known as one of the most famous chocolatiers in the entire country.  Joe struck up a...
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