Ocean Isle Beach Super Saturday Holiday Parade
By Karen Baker, Professional Help with Rapid Responses...
(Sunset Beach and Beyond Realty)
Ocean Isle Beach Super Saturday Holiday Parade LET'S HAVE A HOLIDAY PARADE SATURDAY NOVEMBER 24 Super Saturday, the day after Black Friday, Ocean Isle Beach will have it's annual Ocean Isle Beach Property Owner's Association Christmas Parade starting at 2:00 pm. All are welcome to participate as it is open to the public. The parade begins in the parking lot of the Museum of Coastal Carolina located on East Second Street. All participants must decorate in a holiday theme. Golf carts, bikers, walkers, cars and floats are all welcome to the parade. PLEASE NOTE : For those who would like to participate please arrive no later than 1:15 pm if you would like to be included in the judging. One prize will be awarded for each category ~> Golf Cart, Walker, Bicycle, Car/Float PARADE STARTS PROM...