Global TransPark to finally boost the Eastern NC economy!
By Mike Jaquish, 919-880-2769 Cary, NC, Real Estate
(Realty Arts)
Finally! The Global TransPark brings home the bacon. After tens of millions of dollars, and little to show for it, the Kinston area of Eastern North Carolina will welcome a major employer, Spirit AeroSystems, who will create over 1,000 jobs supplying aircraft parts to major airplane manufacturers like Boeing, Airbus, Gulfstream, and Cessna. Yes, there is an incentive package, spread over 12 years. The incentives are tied to job creation. But the jobs are the type of employment that can support a rural region. With average pay in the upper-$40,000, this will have a tremendous economic impact in the Kinston area. Kinston, NC, is all agog at their good fortune. And I am glad for the area, which has declined with the decline of tobacco farming. It looks like the folks in Raleigh got this ...