Wordless Wednesday- Can you walk the hawk walk?
By Linda Jandura, Realtor, North Carolina Buyer & Seller Specialist
(Raleigh Cary Realty)
Went out on my upstairs porch yesterday to enjoy the beautiful autumn day in Apex and out of the corner of my eye spotted something unusually large looking at me from on my front lawn. Ran to get my camera, set it up on the railing, zoomed in aournd 25 times, set it on a high shutter speed, and snapped away at this young hawk WALKING around on my front lawn. I've seen deer on my front lawn, plenty of rabbits, and the neighborhood dogs, but this is the first time a HAWK was actually just walking around the yard, picking at worms. Not eating the mice and other rodents that are supposed to be their main meals of course, but eating the worms that help to break up the red clay that passes as soil down here in North Carolina. Another Nature blog and pictures from ...