Congratulations Eli Manning and the New York Giants 2012 Super Bowl Champions
By Greg Gillespie, CRS / Broker Owner
(GumTree Realty / Genesis Realty Services,Inc)
Congratulations to Eli Manning and the New York Giants, the 2012 Super Bowl Champions. Who would have guessed that the Giants would have ended up being the 2012 Super Bowl Champions. Their year started off in the rough, and only got worse. Then, somehow, were able to put all the pieces together, and now it is all written down in the history books. 2012 Supper Bowl Champions- The New York Giants. Being from and growing up in Oxford Mississippi, I have always been a Manning fan. Eli Manning just wasn't the Manning that I expected pulling this one off this year.....and better luck to my fantasy football team next year. And I say Again, Congratulations Eli Manning and the New York Giants 2012 Super Bowl Champions