
George County, MS Real Estate News

By Alice Broadway, Real Estate Broker
( IXL Real Estate )
 Home with land Lucedale MS.  35.7 Acres of land for sale with a large 3300+ square foot home. Located in Geroge County within 4 miles of the city of Lucedale Ms.                                                                                 * The parcel is located in Section 10, T2S, R6W *     This home with land sits off Hwy 613 in Lucedale MS, the home could be  easily divided off the 28.2 acres behind the home. The home would be on 7.5 Acres.  The  parcel is all completely fenced. There is also a pond on the far south-west corner of the pasture.       The large house is 3300+ square feet, with 4 bedrooms and 4 baths. A curved walkway leads to the front of the house, matching brick steps and decorative wrought-iron railing allow easy access to the front porch and main entrance of t...
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By Alice Broadway, Real Estate Broker
( IXL Real Estate )
Lucedale, Ms. home listings Below is the number of homes on the market today September 3, 2010 for Luceale Ms. area. These numbers come from the Mississippi Gulf Coast MLS system and are updated daily. For more information about the area of Lucedale, please feel free to call me. Also visit my website at  or call (228) 623-5495  Lucedsale MS. is located in Jackson County  Lucedale Listings: New Listings:           139 Average home Price:  180,278
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