Capturing The Elusive Unicorn
By Pat Starnes-Front Gate Realty, 601-991-2900 Office; 601-278-4513 Cell
(Front Gate Real Estate)
Every now and then, a house hits the market that is rare, special, a great value and perfectly priced. In the real estate world, we call this a unicorn. Because few people have ever seen a unicorn; most question its existence. But when you see one, you must act quickly if you wish to capture it!A unicorn hit the market today. My client had been looking for a property like this for MONTHS! I showed it to her, and on the spot, the buyer asked me to write the offer. I gathered the necessary disclosures and we discussed strategies.Easy peasy, right? WRONG! When a unicorn appears in the wild, people take notice. Others wanted this unique, beautiful unicorn for their own desires. In laymen's terms, we were facing multiple offers.So I pulled out all the tools in my toolbox. All the tricks of t...