
Shell Knob, MO Real Estate News

By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
If it's March, can Fishing Tournaments be far behind?  My Missouri Conservation calendar shows White Bass beginning their spawn March 21, and that is the date Galena's Park Board will be hosting its 2nd Annual White Bass Tournament. Local word of mouth has muskies spawning and on the move. That may be why I noticed so many boats on the Kings River near Golden. Fireworks for the 4th of July will be the recipient of funds raised by a $30 entry fee for a two person team. There will be a 1st place prize of $300. - 2nd place prize of $200. The Tourney starts at the Y-Bridge in Galena at 7 a.m., with weigh-in at the Galena Country Corner Store at 5 p.m. STONE COUNTY BASS MASTERS The Friday night tournaments held by the Stone County Bass Masters will start April 24t5h. Take-off at 7 p.m. at th...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
Bail-outs, Layoffs, Store Closings, Unemployment, Bankruptcy, Recession, Depression - Gloom and Doom are everywhere.  TV, Radio, Newspapers and Magazines are all harking the bad news.   What would happen if we decide not to participate?  Unemployment is close to 8%, but that means  92% of the population IS employed, right?   Real estate is still the best investment out there.  God isn't making anymore - last time I checked.In the Ozarks (SW Missouri) we had inflated prices, but not to the degree  other parts of the country had.  In 2008  properties  sold at 94% list to sell ratio here.  That is not bad.    I am frequently talking to  people who are thinking that  1.4% interest on their Money Markets or CD's is not enough and are determining to invest that money in land and property. So ...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
SIGN VIGILANTES - OR - I KNOW I PUT A SIGN THERE YESTERDAY Part of getting a new listing is sign placement to advertise  the property is for sale.    Signage is used heavily here in the Ozarks.  Unlike developments in large cities, properties around Shell Knob's hills take many a twist and turn.  We provide maps to clients at Tri-Lakes Realtors, but even then it can be a challenge if road signs are missing. If an agent doesn't put up enough directional signs, it is easy to get lost. Two new listings I have are good examples.  They are both about six or seven miles outside Shell Knob.  To properly direct potential buyers to find them requires 4 directionals, as it takes four left turns to get to the house. I  place my signs out of the way of any mowing or maintenance by the county.  In m...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
NEW BOAT SHOW SCHEDULED Winter Boat Shows are  normally the signal to start thinking of summer lake fun - be it fishing, boating, wake boards, etc.  This year, many, if not most of the shows,have been canceled due to the trickle-down economics of recession. Boat Shows cost the exhibitors money, and in a time when many potential boat buyers have lost a good portion of their retirement savings, or even lost their jobs, money is scarce.   The summer of 2008 was not kind to boat dealers in the tri-lakes area.  Table Rock and Beaver lakes were flooded the entire summer, making it difficult to get to many of the boat docks.   Gas prices reached unheard of highs, so all in all, the recreation dealers suffered. Boat shows are normally a good money maker for the exhibitors and a way to expose th...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
My name is Joan and I'm a computer-holic.  Have been without broadband at my home/home office for more than a week.  Withdrawal symptoms vary, but I feel so alone - so unconnected (excuse the pun).  My umbilical cord is drying up and unable to function.   I had no idea how much the internet had infiltrated our lifestyle and work.  Was this part of Big Brother's plan?  Make us co-dependent on this screen and keyboard? My Google friend - the one who answers all the weird questions that come up each day - must think I've died.  We normally communicate at least three or four times daily.  The Multiple Listing System we use in Shell Knob is missing.  My Mouse has searched for it, it isn't there. Down here in the Ozarks, receiving broadband is complicated by all the hills.  Broadband has to b...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
Final figures for 2008 real estate sales in Southwest Missouri, include communities from Branson, Kimberling City, Lampe, Shell Knob, Eagle Rock and Golden, and all points in between.   The numbers make clear that buyers were looking for more modest homes under $300,000. The average sales price was $176,459.   Of the 1,011 total sales in the Tri-Lakes region,  892 were under $299,900. There were only 119 sales of homes selling for more than $300,000.   Average Days On The Market were 121, with a List/Sell/Ratio of 94%.    Call Joan for information on homes and land in Shell Knob and Table Rock Lake.  417-846-7128.   Tri-Lakes Realtors  417-858-3344
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
EUREKA  ANTIQUE  TRAIL  SHOW  OPENS SUNDAY Shell Knob residents wait eagerly for the Annual Spring Antigue Trail show in near-by Eureka Springs, Arkansas.   Eureka Springs is a must-see for all Ozarks visitors, not only for a visit to the well known Passion Play, but for the shops, restaurants and history. There are sure to be treasures waiting from 57 dealers from 14 different states.  The Ozarks Convention Center on highway 62, will hole everything from large furniture pieces, to small jewelry treasures. The show offerings can be viewed at a special Wine and Cheese Preview from 5:30 to 7:00 pm.
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
  It's that time of year again -  a day of anticipation and celebration in southwest Missouri - opening day of Roaring River State Park's trout season, in Cassviille, MO.  Sunday, March 1st. Convenient for Shell Knob's anglers, Roaring River is one of Missouri's hatcheries, but has been in Catch and Release mode during the winter months.  March 1st will see a large crowd waiting in the wee hours of the morning for the starting gun to go off.  After purchasing their trout license, they can take home the fish they catch.Starting at  5:00 a.m., the Cassville Area Chamber of Commerce will be serving hot coffee to the waiting crowd.  The Chamber presents trophies to the person landing the largest fish in various categories.     CALL JOAN FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS IN AND AROUND SHELL KNO...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
Whether it was the weather or the economic forcast, January was a big zero for real estate sales in Shell Knob, MO  Only one property went into escrow.  The sale was for a small home, which sold for $106,000.  No lots or land were sold, but the ice storm cannot be blamed for all the inaction.    This is largely a second home, lake home and retirement area.  Clients who had planned to retire next year, and line up their retirement home this year, are now rethinking if and when they can afford to retire.  They have questions about personal funds and investments, how  big a loss did their savings take? Will their present home still be worth the $500,000 it was three years ago?Will the home actually sell, or languish on the market for a year?Do they need to plan on working two more years b...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
  I felt a little like Alice In Wonderland yesterday.  I have the PERFECT buyers  - the kind you dream of getting a  call from when you are on Floor Time. They have no debt.  Both Mr. & Mrs are Federal employees - (read good income)  Have paid off the mortgage on their current home.   A-1 (guess that term dates me?) credit, a substantial down payment, and are pre-qualified by the lender they have dealt with for years. So what's the problem?  Their lender told them that they were #3 on the waiting list to get a mortgage - check back in maybe six weeks?  All that bail-out money has gone where?  Evidentally not here in fly-over country. As my buyer lamented - "I've done everything right.  We worked hard.  Paid off our loans.  Saved to get this Table Rock Lake home, and they can't give us a...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
In 2008 the Shell Knob and Eagle Rock  area had 243 new listings.  This was down 13.5% from the previous year.                   Of those listings, 94 were sold.  This was almost 31% less than in 2007, with an average of 134 days on the market.The average sale price for 2008 in this western portion of Table Rock Lake was $189,161.  This sales price was a 9% increase from the previous year's $173,373 average.Land or lot sales for  the Shell Knob  area  tumbled to almost 69% less than 2007's numbers.  The average price was $43,561 in 2008 and took 206 market days to sell.     CALL JOAN FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS.    417-858-2209 TRI-LAKES REALTORS  417-858-3344                                                                      
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
FAMILY FEUD IN SHELL KNOB, MO The divorce rate is holding at about 50% nation wide.  It would appear that our small chunk of the planet, Shell Knob, MO, is  no different.  Divorcee's or widows,  often re-marry.  Both bride and groom have children from the previous marriage, but unfortunately, The Brady Bunch is more myth than reality.  Mom and Dad are now gone.  The lakehouse in Shell Knob, has to be sold.  According to the will, the children will now share equally in the proceeds -  all six of them and their spouses. Now the fun begins.  Turns out there are 3 kids from each parent, and they not only don't like each other, they detest one another!  So how is the listing agent to negotiate and communicate with the twelve when an offer comes in? She saw how they behaved earlier when an au...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
  Received an email today from our local board.  They advised that due to agents dropping their membership, and the loss of income from the drop, they are looking to trim the budget.   What's the first thing GM offered to do to stay solvent?  Reduce the overhead.  In this small almost rural area,  Shell Knob, MO, laying off a clerk is sad.   So let's see - we had 23 realtors drop in December, plus 8 MLS only.  That's 31 x $327 = $10,137. for six months,  Extending that fee for a full 12 months and the board will have LOST $20,274. Now add to that  the 19 affiliates that dropped - Inspectors, lenders,appraisers, etc.  and you get the continuation of the Trickle Down. We are what used to be called 'small potatoes' here in the Ozarks - not big - certainly not comparable to large cities.  T...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
  I was totally in love with the Ozarks (still am for that matter) and really enjoyed the milder climate when we  moved to Shell Knob 22 years ago. We have 4 distinct seasons in SW Missouri - some longer or shorter than others - depending upon the year.  What  took me a while to understand, is that along with the increased sunshine and scarcity of snow, came a climate that encouraged insect and critter growth.  It's not one of my favorite topics, but personal safety and health concerns need to be known by potential Shell Knob residents. I saw an article in one of our local papers recently that brought this to mind.  The topic was "Toxic Brown Recluse Spiders Pose Danger".  These creatures live up north too, but our climate seems to make them thrive.  They are one of three spiders in the...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
While it is well known that Trout like cold water streams, people often don't think about fishing in the winter - other than ice-fishing in the north.   Many Shell Knob anglers go  over to Roaring River State Park, near Cassville, Missouri.  The fishing park is in great shape and offers less crowded conditions in the winter for the Catch and Release of trout.  Roaring river is very clear and offers some nice three and four pounders', with reports of several trout over 5 pounds. Catch and Release continues until March 1st, after which you can harvest your trout and take them home for dinner. Rainbows are starting to go into spawning and exhibting interest in bright colored jigs and lures.     CALL JOAN FOR ASSISTANCE IN BUYING OR SELLING PROPERTY IN SHELL KNOB OR TABLE ROCK LAKE. 417-85...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
TIME FOR HOME REPAIR? The current economic downturn  offers  some excellent opportunities for homeowners.  Builders who can't sell the last home or two they built on speculation (Spec Houses)  in Shell Knob, are probably not starting to build more until one of the homes sell. This puts many skilled craftsmen (and some not so skilled - let's be honest) with time on their hands and no income.  This might just be the perfect time for Mr. & Mrs. Homeowner to do some home improvements.  Personally, I just had three of my outdoor doors replaced on my 23 year old Shell Knob home.  Hail storms last spring resulted in my insurance company supplying a new roof. It's just normal wear and tear that requires updating.  It did however provide my favorite contractor with work and income.Last year you ...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
If Christmas is here, then Boat Shows can't be far behind.  And as people start to think about boats, they turn their thoughts to water, and possible real estate on the waterfront. Just about the time  Cabin Fever sets in - post holiday blahs - the solution to the problem is to attend a January Boat Show.  There is nothing like the smell and feel of a new boat to get the juices flowing and make the snow disappear. The Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce, and local dealers,  attend several Shows in the Boat Show season.  The area's largest show comes January 7 - 11 in Kansas City, at Bartle Hall in downtown Kansas City, MO.  This is followed by Boat Shows in Nashville, Dallas, Ft. Worth and Chicago. St. Louis hosts it's show in February.     When you are ready for the lake - Call Joan for ass...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
Shell Knob had another restaurant bite the dust this week.  Popular with summer Table Rock lake visitors, Stumpy Burger was known for it's excellent burgers.   These burgers reminded people of the old fashioned greasy grilled cheezeburgers of ages past.  That was when even the bun was grilled and crisp with grease.  A single cheezeburger was quite filling for most and it took a really huge appetite to do away with a double! Sadly, it is difficult for merchants to survive and make a living with a town where the year round population in Shell Knob is  less than 1,500.  In a retirement, lake environment, the summer visitors are needed to provide the income.  In 2008, spring and summer was a disaster due to lake flooding and high gas prices.   Stumpy Burger is moving to Provo, Utah and will...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
Does this situation fit anyone?  You get a call from a homeowner to come by and look over their home.  You do your homework, check for comps, prepare a nice listing presentation  and show up on time.  You are the only agent they have called.The appointment seems to go well.  Good vibes with the sellers.  They ask for recommendations on what they can do to improve the home's sale appeal and value.  You leave with the confidence  that when they are ready to sell their Shell Knob, MO home in a few months, you will be the listing agent.Six months later the home appears on the MLS and you didn't put it there!  They have listed with an out of area broker.If you are not affiliated with a national real estate franchise, how do you combat the name recognition factor that encourages the seller to...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
    Want to supplement your income during these trying economic times?  You might consider getting in on a new trend - Dog Washes.   Watched a show on tv last week  featuring a  huge Car Wash somewhere in California.  They had every new high tech invention imaginable, including recycling the wash water.  They gave modern and old fashioned service, taking pride in providing excellent service to their customers. My attention was sparked when another feature of the Car Wash was  a Dog Wash!  How about that?  You wash your dog while they wash your car!  NO - the dog doesn't get put in the automatic brushes and a dunk tank.  A room is provided on the end of the wash.Guess this isn't limited to  California.  I noticed a Dog Wash room at a car wash in the Ozarks yesterday.  Our new car wash in...
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