
Shell Knob, MO Real Estate News

By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
Don't you feel good when  finding the right house for your buyers?  The pleasure of seeing the joy and excitement is almost as good as getting paid. In the midst of the appraisal, bank and money problems, good sales still occur. Doing the walk- through of their new Shell Knob lakefront home last week, with my perfect buyers, I discovered there are still perfect sellers out there too!  Earth Angels! The sellers left the house immaculate. The appliances looked like they had never been used, and even the garage was clean! They left a coffee maker, with coffee and a note next to it for the buyers to enjoy a coffee break  while moving in. They provided a bound book with all the receipts and contact info for work done on the house, as well as manufacturers information on products in the house...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
  Much has been said lately about appraisers - most of it not good.  Many pointed a finger at them for allowing the over-inflation of homes, which led to the current housing problems and even (some say) the recession.  Be that as it may, they are human - I was married to one once - and are now trying to cope with new rules and regulations. The next concern is if the property will appraise to the sale price.  We haven't had too many problems there, as Shell Knob did not see a huge inflation in prices as Florida or California did.   My problem the past few weeks has been with getting a home sold July 6 to close, due to the appraisal taking so long to get done, and the the appraiser making unusual comments about the property.        The problem comment was:        Minimum deferred maintena...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
Walk Arounds Scheduled So what comes to mind when you hear the term "Walk Arounds"? Maybe it's like a home buyer doing a "Drive By" of a house that's for sale, but they get out of the car and walk around the property? Not Exactly. Shell Knob residents in Barry County (Shell Knob's area includes parts of Stone County) will soon be receiving visits from two teams hired by June Smith, Barry County Assessor. These teams have begun a State Mandated "walk-around" assessment of each property in Shell Knob .... as will Cassville and property owners all over Barry County, Missouri. The teams are required to confirm measurements of structures and will be taking new photos of the front and back of improvements on the property. Thus the term "Walk Arounds" not "Walk Abouts" which they do for leisur...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
June closed residential sales for Shell Knob, Eagle Rock and Golden, MO saw a 45% drop, when compared to June 2008.  There were  only 5 closed homes in June, with an average sale price of $127,900.  The high sales price was $230,000.  Average days on market were 130.The first half of 2009 tells the story.  Sales are down 45% this year.  2008 had 44 properties sold versus the 24 sold and closed this year.  The high sale of the year was $275,000.  This continues to leave the higher- end and luxury homes languishing.  Homes over $300,000 are just sitting month after month with few showings, if any.This portion of the Ozarks is largely retirees or pre-retirees wanting to enjoy the lake now, with the goal of having their retirement here in the future.  We get few, if any, first time home buy...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
Home Sales Will Be Affected Any home sale closing after August 1st in Stone County, Missouri, will require proper documentation for a permit or septic inspection to receive a Certificate of Transfer.  Will this result in higher closing costs?  Probably. The Realtor or seller would need to contact the Stone County Health Department to verify if there is a permit application on file for the property that is being sold. If a permit is on file and the system is over 10-years old, an inspection will be required.  The Health Department has a list of state approved inspectors the home owner can contact. If a permit is not on file, then the system must also be inspected and an inspector contacted. If a problem is found the septic will need to be repaired to conform to current standards.  The bu...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
Here's A Bit of Inspiration Business may be a challenge for us all right now, but keeping our minds set positively is imperative if you would survive these difficulties. I received the following email today from a family member, that says it all.  Thought I'd share it with you. Five months ago, on January 15th to be exact, I was told I had stage four malignant squamous cell carcinoma cancer in my right tonsil that had spread to a lymph node on the right side of my throat. I was also told that it was a very aggressive and deadly form of cancer that had to be treated aggressively and quickly. No matter who tells you or where you are when told, the world as you know it changes forever when you hear you have cancer.To say it takes all the wind out of your sails is a gross understatement. Li...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
There will be many disappointed Shell Knob visitors this summer.  I have seen some already, as they  walk up to Carole's Restaurant and find the door locked. Carole's has been a landmark in Shell Knob, where it sits on the corner of the Plaza Shopping Center.  Tourists looked forward to returning for another great breakfast each year as they started their vacation.  Local organizations held regular meetings there. The Restaurant had been for sale for quite some time. Wanting to retire, but unable to find someone to fill their shoes in food service, the owners closed and sold the building.It will be missed.   Call Joan for all your Table Rock Lake Real Estate Needs.  417-846-7128 Tri-Lakes REALTORS  417-858-3344      
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
TREND UNDER $300,000Home Sales struggle in SW Missouri this year.    For the first five months of 2009 (January thru May) there was a 62% drop in sales from the same time period in 2008.  There have been 12 sales closed this year, compared to 32 sales the previous year.The average sale price 1/1/09 - 6/1/09 was $143,792.  This same time span in 2008 had an average of $162,684.  All sales were under $300,000.  The high sale was $275,000, with average days on the market at 113. June to September is normally the busy season for Table Rock Lake real estate.  The phones are ringing again, and hopefully home sales will follow.   Call Joan for all your real estate needs.  417-846-7128 Tri-Lakes REALTORS  417-858-3344  
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
I was car shopping recently and realized there was a coorelation with home shoppers and car buyers.    No - no .....not that realtors are like Used Car Salesmen, although there have been times I think people look on us that way.Let me explain, I started out looking for a late model Ford Van with the usual wish-list  for low mileage, good care, etc.  I was very precise with my needs at each car lot where I found nothing matching them.  I knew what I wanted, by darn,  and was sticking to my guns.That is..... I stuck to my guns until I spotted a sharp looking PT Cruiser sitting at the front of the lot, and you know - as Paul Harvey would say - the Rest of The Story!  I sat in the Cruiser and immediately got a big grin on my face!  I LOVED IT! I walked away from it tho, telling myself that ...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
Paddlefish Season Ends Paddlefish season is looked forward to each year on Table Rock Lake. It runs for six weeks normally, from mid - March to the end of April. A total of two fish per day is the allowed catch for these unusual creatures that are said to provide a "poor-man's" cavier.  The harvest of paddlefish is strictly regulated by the Missouri Conservation Department to ensure the fish population remains healthy and to give a high quality angling experience for everyone to enjoy. That quota was totally ignored by some poachers caught by Conservation Agents butchering 61 paddlefish on April 22. As a result, the Agents issued a total of 12 citations to the poachers, and as one agent said "it was a shame that other sportsment won't get a chance at these fish."   Call Joan For All you...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
Sales trickled in slowly in Shell Knob in April 2009.  There were 4 or 5 properties closed, depending on where you look for the statistics, with a grand total of 12 closed for the year. That amounts to 3 sales per month!         If you were one of the lucky sellers, your property was sold for under $229,000 (which was the highest sale). The average sale price for the 4 sales was $128,125. Prices and number of homes selling are still dropping here in the Ozarks. April of 2008 had 11 sales for an average price of $147,673. The average number of days on the market for current sales was 202. Last year at the same time, homes sold in an average of 104 days. Have we hit bottom on this downward slide? We hope so. The phones are starting to ring again in REALTORS' offices. People are walking in...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
                            Shell Knob's main firehouse gets a spring airing out.   Call Joan for your spring shopping for Table Rock Lake property.  417-846-7128 Tri-Lakes REALTORS  417-858-3344
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
Water quality has always been a concern in rural areas and wells are the source of drinking water.   Here in the Ozarks, specifically southwest Missouri, where  Shell Knob is located, a large portion of the residences rely on well water for their drinking supply.  Many Shell Knob home owners  take a sample of their water annually to the Health Department to be tested for contaminents. Water quality is also a big factor in Table Rock Lake, the reason Shell Knob attracts retirees, as it ranks as one of the cleanest lakes in Missouri.  The water is usually quite hard, and water softeners are recommended. A recent study  released by the U.S. Geological Survey, indicated that more than 20% of private domestic wells sampled nationwide have at least one contaminant, which could be at levels to...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
  After reading an article on Active Rain regarding one of the most searched words on Google  now was the word 'Cheap'.  I mentioned to my Shell Knob broker that I might want to try using 'Cheap' in ads I was creating. The reaction was a shocked face, like I had suggested something pornographic be used!  Cheap is NOT a four letter word! I find nothing wrong with the word.  I'm always searching Google for "Cheap TV's" or "Cheap Used Cars".  The word cheap covers a multitude of needs.  Would my sellers be offended if an ad with the word  cheap in it got them needed showings, and resulted in an accepted offer?  I think not. A recent posting of mine when a developer lowered his prices on waterfront lots in Shell Knob, was headed  "Prices Slashed".    Didn't result in a single call.  Nada - ...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
ELECTRICITY COSTS TO JUMPIn our march to save our planet, will our energy costs rise too high to afford our homes? Here in Shell Knob, Missouri - the heart of the Ozarks, we rely strongly on electric co-ops for our power.  Congress has begun debating national energy, and I can't help but recall what Candidate OBama said about making coal too expensive so as to shut down coal producers. That is all well and good for clean air, but the reality is that coal provides 62% of our Co-op Power.  As prices go up on coal, the cost will be passed on to the consumer.  The average price nationwide, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, is currently 10.65 cents per kwh.  In a recent Rural Arkansas magazine, they predicted rates to climb to 30, 40 or 50 percent.I wonder what type of...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
The Shell Knob Table Rock Lake market is still stagnant. April normally signals the start of our real estate season on Table Rock Lake. It will be interesting to see how we fare in this current Buyer's Market. Only 2 homes were sold last month, which is a big drop from the 13 in the same month last year. Average sale price actually went UP 12% in March to $172,500. Sales are down and prices go up? Go figure, as my kids would say.  Days on the market for these solds were an average of 187 days. There were 22 new listings and 87 homes and lots expired. CALL JOAN FOR ALL YOUR LAKE INFORMATION  417-846-7128 TRI-LAKES REALTORS  417-858-3344  
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
Working from home and having a Home Office is part of our society now, but Jeff and Beth Harp have taken it a step further.  They have a Home Shop in Shell Knob residence,  where they create very unique Candle Lights. In this shop they design Flowerlights using live flowers from special life events, including wedding flowers, anniversary, funerals and other occasions, preserving them for permanent visual memories.   Flower heads sent to them end up beautifully preserved  in candles of many shapes and sizes, depending upon the buyer's choice.  The candles are not meant to be burned.  They do not have a wick.   These Flowerlights have the option of being lit by use of an electric light and set on wooden bases (some with lite dimmers). These Flowerlights can be lit, says Beth Harp, but lik...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
American Caviar Paddlefish snagging season opens Sunday March 15th and runs through the end of April in Missouri.  Often sought illegally for the fish eggs, this is the legal season to catch them.  Not rated as highly as the expensive Beluga Caviar, Paddlefish eggs are still an acceptable substitute and quite sought after. Adventurous  and Hardy Fishermen Required According to the Missouri Consevation Department, Snagging  this primitive fish is  dependent on weather conditions, primarily water temperature and flow. When water temperatures are 50‑55ºF and there is an increase in flow, paddlefish make spawning migrations upstream Early in the season, harvest is primarily made up of the smaller male paddlefish. As water temperature and flow increase the fish will move upstream in the lake...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
Love Your Listings? Do you fall in love with your listings? I mean, are you so impressed and elated with marketing this jewel, that you can hardly contain your excitement? Let's be honest. They aren't all featured on the cover of the Home and Garden magazine. There are some sellers we can't convince to clean or paint. Houses that smell from cigarettes or animals, etc I know an amazing agent who continually puts her heart in her listings, and to listen to her describe a property is a real treat.  She has a rich melodious voice that builds in excitement as she brings a property to life. She draws a potential client into her web, describing the lush environment they can have in Shell Knob,Missouri - the hills - the sunsets - the days of sunshine and water fun. They can't resist her descrip...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
HOME SHOW TIME IN SHELL KNOB Another sign of spring is the Annual Home and Business Show, presented by the Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce on April 17-18, 2009 This popular event offers businesses of all types a great opportunity to present products and services to the Shell Knob - Table Rock Lake market. Held in the gym of Shell Knob School, on Highway 39 this allows easy access to the show. Admission is free. The Shell Knob Home and Business Show attracts hundreds of people from Southwest Missouri and Northwest Arkansas. People interesting in purchasing homes and land; remodeling; new furniture and appliances, landscaping and gardening. Contact the Shell Knob Chamber for information on booth spaces. Call 417-858-3300.   Call Joan for all your real estate questions and needs.   417-846-...
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