
Shell Knob, MO Real Estate News

By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
Boaters get startled when they see a boat descending on this Shell Knob, MO tram.  Trams are not in great numbers on Table Rock Lake.  In the past, trams were allowed where there were no boat docks available.  They require special approval from the Corps of Engineers due to their concern for safety.
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
SHELL KNOB  MO CAR SHOWSeptember 22, the 18th Annual Shell Knob Car Show will be held.  This event is held in downtown Shell Knob during the Shakin' in the Shell Fall Festival.    Sponsored by the Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce, the car show has earned a reputation as a quality show with over 100 entrants. Classic and custom vehicles can be entered in the show.  Trophies will be awarded in several categories including Top 96 cars and trucks 1900-1997 and 1998 and up.  Motorcycles, boats and specialty vehicles are welcomed. Entrants can pre-register or sign up the day of the show from 9:00 a.m. till noon.  The awards presentation will begin at 3:00 p.m.  Judging for the Shell Knob Car Show is by M.A.A.C.C. Car Show. 
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
 SHAKIN' IN THE SHELL FESTIVAL The Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce members are in high gear preparing for the 2nd Annual Festival.  A large banner was strung across Hwy 39 this week to remind people of the September 21 and 22nd dates.    This year's festival will include all the great entertainment, food and activities of last year's event and much more, according to the Chamber.  Festival Activities will include:All American Amusements CarnivalOutdoor boat and sport showArtisans' AreaBeer GardenDunk TankClimbing Wall18th Annual Shell Knob Car ShowDomino Kings playing Rockin' CountryJoe Giles & the HomewreckersClassic rock from Rock PieTimberline Bluegrass Shell Knob is on Hwy.39 in southwest Missouri on Table Rock Lake.   For additional information on real estate or this area  call Joan...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
 Shell Knob ,MO Realtor's Woe I've been somewhat grouchy all week.  It's been a busy week in Shell Knob, MO  but that's good.  It means I have some active clients that I'm busy working for, looking for good real estate.    My grouchiness (is that really a word?) has been due to my Dell computer being out of service for over 10 days now.   I have another computer available - my husbands, but it is 10 years old, and the 'T" key keeps sticking, plus his mouse is also antiquated!   He uses microsoft programs, I use Firefox.  I should be grateful that I have had it to use, BUT..... I like MY computer.  Am I spoiled, or what? I still remember, it's not that long ago, when email was a luxury to use.  They charged by the minute of on-line time.  Now, I'm so dependent on my computer, that being ...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
 NEW REGULATION TO PROTECT CONSUMERS Complaints about unscrupulous practices used by moving companies, charging more than quoted or holding household goods captive for more money,  have come to the attention of Missouri authorities.  Residents using a moving company coming to or from Shell Knob, MO  and other towns in Missouri, will have more protection next year.  Any company that hauls household goods, within Missouri cities or commercial zones exclusively must obtain state operating authority to continue to provide moving services in 2008. The carriers must also file and publish their rates and charges.  This change should provide better consumer protection.  The application process will be handled by the Missouri Department of Transportation's Motor Carrier Services starting August ...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
SHELL KNOB, MO  PERKSI decided to take my own advice and get over to Branson for the August lull, and take advantage of being an area resident.  As a Realtor living in Shell Knob, MO,  I'm still considered a 'local' for  Branson shows, and this includes the 'Perk' of getting show discounts  Today I went with two friends to see "12 Irish Tenors".  WOW!  Amazing to see so much talent on one stage!  The show was excellent. The twelve young men belted out song after song, in harmony and solo. They performed with high energy and non-stop vocals, without elaborate scenery or costumes and kept the audience tapping their feet and clapping their hands. Performers in Branson always go out to the lobby after the show to meet the audience.  I was struck by how young these tenors actually were, when...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
RAINING LOCALLY IN SHELL KNOBThis Shell Knob Realtor wants to thank Active Rain for my second and third sale as a result of Localism. It was a pleasure to finally meet with a couple that I had only been dealing with on-line, and then by phone since they first contacted me off my  Active Rain blog      July 30.What's really neat, is that we all felt that we knew each other.  There was no getting acquainted time needed.  We could get right down to discussing the property they were interested in, and we had already established a feeling of trust.  This is especially important, as I was working both sides of the deal. We discussed what they would like to offer, wrote it up, and got it accepted within the hour without a counter.  God is good.  Active Rain works.  What more is there to say?
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
WHERE'S THE "t"?I'm not really addicted, I tell myself........until my computer crashed and I realized that it held ALL my important info.  I know - I should be backing up all that data routinely, but I didn't.  Panic time.So here I sit today, struggling to make our 10 year old Gateway do what I want it to do - AND IT WON'T. It's Taken me three days to finally get back on Active Rain.Until yesterday, when I found it would be a week before I got my Dell parts and my Shell Knob repairman got it working again, I had no idea how often we use the letter "T".  The old keyboard I am using, doesn't like to have it's "T" key pushed.  It rebels by allowing me to use it for a phrase or two and then (as it is now argh) it gets sneaky and just won't work.By the time you realize it didn't connect, yo...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
NEW FLY-IN DEVELOPMENT FOR SHELL KNOB, MO You can Fly, Drive or Boat in to Shell Knob's, MO  newest Exclusive Lakefront Subdivision.Discovery Bay Norwalk Landing will be offering lakefront lots, lakeview lots and hanger lots.  This new fly-in subdivision just outside Shell Knob and almost surrounded by the Mark Twain National Forest, will have community boat docks with slips available. It will have all central utilities, water, sewer and electric, hard surface roads.  This is a large planned community with more than 80 lots.    There is a Central Entrance Gate one way in and out for this private community.The Landing Strip is grass, approximately 2200 ' x 8 ft wide.  Prices range from $40,000 to $120,000, with Homeowners Dues of $450/year. For additional information  ON THIS AREA OR OTH...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
 SHELL KNOB , MO LAKE FRONT I just listed four beautiful Shell Knob, MO,  4 acre, waterfront, wooded tracts of land.  I listed them because the previous agents had not called the seller and told them that the listings had expired.I don't believe any other agents had called and asked for the listings, as the seller did not know they had gone past their listing contract dates.   I got the listing  because I pointed out to the seller that I had shown their listings several times this year, and I live in the area.  I know this area.   The original listing office was located about 40 miles away from the land's location.  It felt awkward to call the previous agents and let them know they could pick up their signs.  By our MLS rules, I can only pull them and lay them flat on the ground.  It ha...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
FALL FESTIVAL SEASONSchool has started in many areas and that means the Fall Festivals are not far behind, at least here in Ozarks Country. FEureka Springs , AR, will host the annual Bluegrass Festival from August 23-26.  This is always a great event.  Come for the shopping, but enjoy the music.Shell Knob, MO,  will kick off the season in style with the 2nd Annual Shakin' in the Shell fest on September 22.  It was a big event last year, despite some pesky rain.  This year it will feature the 19th annual Car Show, a pancake breakfast at the VFW,  food, entertainment all day with bluegrass and bands of all venues, a Carnival, and Talent Contest.October 10th, the Folk Festival returns to Eureka Springs, fitting right in with the spirit of pride in craftsmanship that lives here. WAR EAGLE i...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
  Getting your home ready to put on the market requires some planning - thoughtful planning.  Is the living room crowded - that overstuffed chair pushing the space?  Maybe all those knick-knacks are getting stale?  You will be amazed at how big your living area can look , minus a couple of chairs and end tables.Labor Day is not only the last week end of summer, it also kicks off Shell Knob's Garage Sale Season.GARAGE SALE TIME!  No better time than now, when you are preparing to sell your home.  As most of the Home Stagers will tell you, declutter, depersonalize, open up areas and add space.  Getting rid of clutter will give you two things - a quicker home sale, and reduce the expense of moving unwanted or not needed items. You can have fun turning your unwanted or no longer used home d...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
IT'S TIME TO SHOPOne of the bonus's about living in Shell Knob, MO,  or around Table Rock Lake, is the close proximity to the fun in nearby Branson, MO.  Here in 'fly-over' country, this popular town brings people from all over the country to enjoy it's shows, restaurants, and shopping and even REALTORS need an occasional 'Girls Day Out'.  HOWEVER..............the last two weeks of August many schools start and people's minds go towards getting back into the post-summer routines.  Savvy locals know this is one of the best times to enjoy a day in Branson minus the tourists and traffic. There will be no lines in the stores or restaurants. traffic will be light as many of the Shows close temporarily to prepare for their new Fall to Christmas presentations. This is a brief interlude.  From ...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
TUBING BANNED AT SHELL KNOB, MISSOURI  ON TABLE ROCK  The US Army Corps of Engineers’ Little Rock District has issued a permanent ban on kite tubing on all waters under its jurisdiction, including Table Rock Lake. According to a recent release from the Corps " Possession or use of the products on district lakes can lead to a citation. Officials said they made the ban permanent because kite tubes are “inherently dangerous products.” Kite tubing is a form of extreme water sport that emerged last year. The district issued a temporary ban in July 2006 after a string of accidents involving serious injuries and deaths were reported nationwide and in Canada. At that time, at least one manufacturer withdrew its product from the market.  A kite tube is a towable water device that can carry a rid...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
BUYER'S DISAPPEARING ACTThese are strange times in real estate, even around little old Shell Knob, MO, but I've noticed a trend in some of the buyers I have worked with this year.  Perhaps I should couch that with - POTENTIAL BUYERS, I've worked with unsuccessfully this year.    People who had definite needs and requirements for lake front property.  Needs that restricted the number of properties that were coming on the market, either in price range, size of rooms, home location, boat slips, docks, etc. etc. etc. Several hours seated before your computer searching and emailing, and calling.  Sometimes actually showing them some of this property they SAID they wanted to buy.  You get on a first name basis, seem to jell, then one day they disappear from the face of the earth. Emails don't...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
LIFE WITH BEARS Since I first reported seeing a black bear with her cubs outside Shell Knob last Thanksgiving, some of them are showing up in metropolitan areas in MissouriBlack Bears have been in the news in southwest Missouri.  There was, what the media called, an adolescent male wandering around the Republic community.  Evidentially he was drawn to the bird feeders.  Then a short time later, another one appeared on the south side of Springfield.  Both of these bears were captured and released in a wilderness area. The Missouri Department of Conservation has initiated a new program to increase public awareness of campers, hikers and anywhere bears may be present.  The department receives between 100 to 250 reports of bear encounters each year.This program involves the posting of signs...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
JULY  2007 MARKET REPORTThere were 118 single family homes closed in July, according to the Tri -Lakes Multiple Listing Service.  Tri Lakes covers a large portion of southwest Missouri's real estate market, including towns of Branson, Kimberling City, Shell Knob and Eagle Rock.   There were 1,676 homes on the market, which was 3,412 less than the 5,088 reported for the same month in 2006.349 new listings were added, with an average price of $255,000,and  were 323 less than the 672 on the market last year,but with a higher average price than the $215,358 of 2006.The 118 residences closed were also less than the 188 closed in July '06.Sale price average went up to $199,970 from the $172,098 of July 2006, with a list to sell percent of 94.5% versus 97% last year. For additional information...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
 BOAT LAUNCH COURTESYBoat ramps are busy this time of year and Table Rock Lake is no different than other lakes.  There are several public launch sites around Shell Knob for boating enthusiasts.We've all seen or heard of the newbie boater whose vehicle goes into the drink along with the boat, a few basic rules followed might have prevented that catastrophe.  Following basic rules for launching will help you get on and off the lake quickly and safely. When entering the launch area, pull your vehicle well clear of the ramp.  Prepare your boat and gear before getting on the actual ramp, THEN back onto the ramp.Observe the ramp lanes and keep your trailer in one lane only.If you have starting problems, pull off the ramp and investigate the problem in the parking area.Once your boat is launc...
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By Joan Snodgrass
(Midamerica Referral Network)
 FISH ARE BITINGTable Rock Lake has remained stable for several weeks at 916'.  Surface temperatures are staying in the mid to upper 80's, which produces consistent  fishing patterns.According to Shell Knob's resident fishing expert and author, Tom Koob, bass can be caught shallow at medium depths and deep, using crankbaits and spinnerbaits on transition areas and bluff ends.Catfish remain good on live and natural baits.  Walleye are being taken on deep crankbaits and live nightcrawlers.  Bluegill remain good on any shoreline using live baits or popper bugs.
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