Property Owners-Be Aware Of Meth Labs (Part 2) Common Ingredients
By Lissa Uder, Your Lebanon MO Real Estate Agent
(RE/MAX Next Generation, LLC)
Common Meth IngredientsWould you swallow a spoonful of drain cleaner? Does the thought of injecting brake fluid into your arm appeal to you? Care to top off your dessert with a bit of rat poison? How about a big drink of starting fluid to start the day?These are just a few of the common ingredients in Meth. One reason behind the explosive growth in Meth labs is the availability of the components. When users smoke, inject or drink Meth, this is what they are sending to their brain, cardiovascular system and throughout their bodies:◙Alcohol - Gasoline additives or Rubbing Alcohol ◙Ether (starting fluid) ◙Benzene ◙Paint thinner ◙Freon ◙Acetone ◙Chloroform ◙Camp stove fuel ◙Anhydrous ammonia◙White gasoline◙Pheynl-2-Propane◙Phenylacetone◙Phenylpropanolamine◙Rock, table or Epsom salt◙Iodine c...