
Stacy, MN Real Estate News

By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Sometimes a good idea comes around and you why didn't I think of that. 2 blonde's were sitting in Starbucks.  B semi drove by the window and the first one said... "That's what I'm going to do when I win the lottery." The second blonde looked at her and said..."Do what?" "Send my lawn out to be mowed!" Chimed the first! I told you it was a great idea!!!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
One of the best parts of the weather turning cooler is darker earlier is the camp fires.  Tonight I started one for just an hour, but mid summer it would be to hot and to close to bed time to make sure it was out. There is something about a warming fire and a glass of you favorite elixir.  That is where a cool Minnesota evening shines. Now if you really want to enjoy the fire itself...set by one alone and let your mind dance with the flames.  For me it purges the inner soul and and makes me refreshed and alive again.  This weekend the fire will burn much longer!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Yes, I got that question today.  Someone looking at my Blog saw I did a lot of fishing.  This guy said he has not fished in over 20 years. Of course I said yes.  I am thrilled that I will be able to help him learn the fun side of fishing.  Seeing what else Mother Nature has to offer while out on the water.  I am also loving the fact that I am going to be able to use my hobby as a selling tool also. WE will start looking at lake homes this weekend.   Meanwhile, I set his computer up with a few great web sites.   These will keep him interested!   14" 1 1/2 pound Black Crappie Picture of the one that got away! One of many Common Loons we see on most trips. You never know what will be on the end of your line.  This time it was a Painted Turtle   This was my 2nd biggest fish, a 10 pound Nort...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
After Easter dinner and all the eggs and games we done, we got together a game of baseball. Nothing outlandish, just a small plastic bat and ball that the little kids use.   The kids were having a ball, for a while and then they decided to do something else. That is when the game got a bit more serious. Right now, the family is kind of like the Minnesota Twins...nursing aches and pains. A twisted ankle.A jammed finger.Bruised ribs. And that was the other team! I will be sore tomorrow after diving to catch a ball, Slipping and falling flat on my back and and clearing a barbed wire fence.  (That part was in self defense) No I am not a kid, but it sure felt good to act like one for a short time. Sorry, no pics as the ladies confiscated my camera card!   We are in a black mail mode trying t...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Spring can be a real unexpected weather driven time.  Just today the severe storms in the south east devastated some communities and brought heart ache to  many families. Today, over 1300 storm warniings were put out. But, Let's not concentrate on the bad.  Lets look at how prepared you are for a disasster or more like how UNPREPARED you are. If disaster hits could you survive for a week without help.  How about 3-4 days?  One day?  Let's look at some things you need to have to be prepared. A GOOD flashlight with extra batteries.Several gallons of fresh drinking water.Canned food for several days to a week.Dried foods.  High protein foods like dried nuts and fruits.Clean clothes.  You will feel better during the tough times if you can wear clean clothing.A GOOD first aid kit.A battery P...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
 As I have  blogged before about making sure we understand the question at hand, we also need to realize not all words mean the same.  Case in point... A nun walks into the shower where Mother Superior is taking a shower.   "There is a Blind man her to see you." Well, if he is blind, he can;t see me she thought, "Send him in here." When he walks into the shower, Mother superior starts to tell him how much she appreciates him helping out at the convent.  After 5 minutes of this, the man says... "You are very welcome, but you can put your clothes on now and show me where you want these Blinds installed!"
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
It has been a good day, very busy, but good.  Of course the way I see it any day I see White (Green in the summer) it is a good day.   This bit of humor struck my sense of duty and I thought that I needed to share the laugh.   Enjoy! The man shows up aat the Perly Gates and as St. Peter is looking over his life he says..."Well, I don't see anything good that you did during your life, but, I don't see anything bad either.  So, I tell you what, If you can tell me of one REALLY good deed that you have done, Your IN!" The guy thinks for a minute..."Ok, I was driving down the road and I saw this Biker gang assaulting this chick.  There must have been 50 of them or so.  I was infuriated.  So I stopped and got out.  I grabbed a tire iron from the trunk and I walked up to the leader.  He was a ...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
When looking at a home, there is much more to see than just the pretty decor.  Anyone can make the home look really nice and and inviting.  But, what is under all the flash. Especially when you are looking at a previously lived in home.  I look for the pride in ownership.   That tells me that the previous owners cared about the home and did things right, not just jury rigged stuff to get by. So, here are a few things to do while you are looking... 1) all the faucets.  If the home has it's own well does the pressure stay fairly constant.  Private wells are set to refill when the pressure drops 15-20 pounds.  If you run the shower and then flush the toilet the water shower should keep flowing not all sputter or lose a lot of volume. 2) When you flush the toilets, do they flush...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
I was talking with some local organizers and they were telling me that they had 12 last minute families that asked for Thanksgivings Meal.  The organizers didn't have anything they could even start with.  Made a few calls and about a 1/2 hour later I asked for the names and numbers for the 12 families.  All were hardship cases that fell through the cracks possibly because of a bit of pride on a couple. This was ar 11 am.   At noonI had 5 volunteers assembled and with the help of these people we were able to put together some semblance of a festive meal.   All 12 had their gifts by 3pm and couldn't thanks us enough.  The 5 volunteers purchased all the food.  I can't take any credit for the money part.  All I did was make the calls to people I knew can help.  These 5 are the real heroes! ...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Married life can be a challenge, and although many of us joke about it, we would not want to be single.  But, I think I understand how this guy may feel... A women woke in the middle of the night and found that her husband was missing.   She got out of bed and searched the house and found sobbing coming from the basement. She went down and found her husband curled up in a ball sobbing.   Concerned as to what could have put him in this state of mind she asked... "Honey, what in the world could be so bad to make you cry like this?" He replied..."Remember when we were 16 and I got you pregnant?" "Yes, I do." "Well, your dad said that it was either jail or get married, well, I would have been released this evening!"
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Ever notice that almost every party or group, or what ever...Has a bragger.  They know more, can work harder and can out do anyone on anything.  Here is a case... The Young well built construction worker was telling everyone during his lunch break that he could out work everyone.  He was especially poking fun at Joe, the oldest member of the crew. Finally, Joe had had enough.  "I will bet you any dollar amount that I can haul something over to that building that you won't be able to haul back." "Your on OLD man!" Yelled the young man.  "This weeks paycheck!!" "OK" replied Joe.  He got up and walked over to the wheel barrow and grabbed the handles.  He then nodded to the young man..."Now, get in!" You can have all the strength you want, but it is no match for wit!
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
When I am alone with my thoughts, my mind wanders.  In fact, I have to believe that my mind spends more time on vacation than the rest of my body does. Most of the time my musingsare just tidbits that flow in and out of my consciousness with out much meaning. Here are 4 random thought from Will Rogers.  I believe that they do pertain directly to business and especially to our business. Never miss a chance to shut up.   How many times have you wished you did? If you find yourself in a hole....STOP DIGGING!!! Good Judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from BAD judgment! I don't know how I got over the hill, without getting on top. Sometimes we are in such a hurry, that we just don't stop and listen to our own common sense instead we head full steam into what is a brick w...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
It has been a hard week.  Many issues on the home front to boring to share.  I need to get through today because tomorrow is a busy day with out of town clients.  With all the political adds calling for change (Again) and some of my clients wanting some change...see my previous post, we need to smile. So, for this morning, here is a smile...   HOW MANY PSYCHIATRISTS does it take to change a light bulb? Only one, but, it takes a long time and the light bulb must have a genuine desire to change! Now this could actually be associated in our own lives.
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Kudos to the Saints on a game well played.  They fought hard and never gave up.  To the Vikings, THANKS for the great year.  It is hard to win a game with 5 turnovers, but at the end of was tied.  This is the Saints first trip to the Big Show.  I wish them all the Best!
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By Teri Eckholm, REALTOR Serving Mpls/St Paul North & East Metro
(Boardman Realty)
For those of you who follow my posts, you know that most of my "Artful Distraction" Series has been wood carvings permanently set on the front lawns in the suburbs of north and eastern Twin Cities homeowners. There are also huge characters and figures that define certain hometowns. But all so far have been permanent. But it is winter and it has been cold...Subzero temperatures and wind chills that literally blow all of the fun out of a Minnesota winter day. Home owners in Minnesota instead get to worry about frozen pipes, horrendous heating bills, roof and water damage from ice dams and carbon monoxide poisoning if they unthinkingly attempt to warm up their cars in an attached garage. But as a hearty Minnesota REALTOR®, I did persevere and show homes this month. This week I am adding a ...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
I Remember Grandma's apron...most of us with farm families do.  If there ever was a utility 'tool', the Apron was it. Now Days, I don't think our kids even know what an apron is. The princepal reason for the apron, was to protect Grandma's dress underneath.  Grandma only had a few dresses and aprons' were easier to wash and took less material to make! Grandma's Apron was used as a... Pot holder for taking hot stuff from the oven. To dry a tear or two from the child that was hurting and on occasion, to clean a dirty ear. From the Chicken coop, it was used to carry eggs, Fuzzy chicks and half hatched chicks to stay warm in the oven until they could push out of the egg! When company came, the apron was an ideal place for a shy child to hide. And when the cold north wind blew in a chill, Gr...
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
So what is a kropp kakor?  It is basically a potatoe dumpling.  It is the size of a baseball (nicknamed cannon ball) Has meat inside of it usually, and is a pain in the but to make.  Claimed as a scandenavian dish, others also claim it.  I have seen the Polish do something simalar, but a lot smaller. This is the main fundraiser for the ladies in our church, but all the guys also chip in and help.  It is one of the great get togethers for our little Spring Lake Church.    Thewe is a bake and craft sale that goes on while you wait to be seated. 
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Time to kick the heels up once again.Tony Jambor and his band will be playing at the Isanti City Community Center.  This is a great time to enjoy some of the old time music and dnace.  For those of you who do not know how to do the Polka or a Waltz don't know what you missing.  In todays world, when you dance you stand a part.  With a nice Waltz, you get to touch the 'merchandise'.  That goes for both the me and ladies.  If you already have a partner it's a great way to start the evening.  It's also a great workout! Come join and join us.  7pm
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
Yup! You are hearing right.  Well, not for everyone, but those looking at buying Rural property in this Minnesota North Land,  NOW is the time to look.  AG STAR, a predominate Farm Lender, also does family and bare land financing.  Depending on the loan amount, until Nov. 15th, you could save thousnad of dollars. Contact AgStar in you area, or if you need, contact me direct and I will put in touch with the office in your area.
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By William Feela, Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.
It's bright and early for the Feela household this morning.  Alarm went off at 5am, instead of the normal 7.  We are heading out to a Barn Dance in central Wisc.  Maggie Mae's!  Located in oxford, this lady run's a restraunt, and has a very nice voice and a sparkling personality.  We have seen her perform here in Minnesota.  NOw, Judy is complaining about the early hour, and I remined her that htis was "YOUR idea.  So in about an hour we pickup 4 more of her friends and I get to drive them around.  (Yea, I'd rather be fishing, but they are good for a couple of laughs. If you are anywhere close to Oxford, Wi., check out this venue.  They do horse rides and other "farm stuff" I am told.  My first time going there, looks like a beautiful day.
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