Short Sale Agent with Expired Listing....Oh, No, It's MY Buyers!
By Suzanne McLaughlin, Sabinske & Associates, Realtor
(Sabinske & Associates, Inc. (Albertville, St. Michael))
The one great thing about being sick for a while is that you have a lot of new material to work with when you finally recuperate. But, this is one story that I didn't think I would ever tell. The listing that my buyers have been waiting and waiting and waiting for expired yesterday as we were going to file an extension of the short sale contingency. I went to prepare the amendment, and I couldn't find the listing. I finally had to pull up an old listing and found that ours was expired. On the same day that we were going to file an extension! I have written about this agent before. Nearly a third of her short sales go expired or canceled. Not good. So when I called her to let her know that it was expired, she really didn't know. And, I had to call her husband who is also an agent ...