Wordless Wednesday--Apples are Ready for Picking in Ham Lake, MN
By Teri Eckholm, REALTOR Serving Mpls/St Paul North & East Metro
(Boardman Realty)
We can always tell when the apples on the tree in our Ham Lake backyard are ready to eat as the white-tailed deer come out of the woods and start picking them off the branches. These were a bit out of reach for the doe and fawn that were in our yard so they were ours!If you are buying, selling or relocating to Minnesota and need help from a professional REALTOR®, give me a call or visit my website for a FREE Relocation Packet, Homebuyers Success Packet or sign up for Listingbook Twin Cities Home Search. I specialize in acreage and lakeshore properties in the north and east Twin Cities metro area including Ham Lake, Lino Lakes and all communities in the Forest Lake School District! Serving Anoka, Chisago, Ramsey and Washington Counties in Minnesota. Buying a Home? Check out my new HOME ...