What's My Chanhassen MN House Worth? 9-2023
By Kevin Dimmel, "Service With Integrity"
(Weichert Realtors Advantage)
What's My Chanhassen MN House Worth?The median home price in Chanhassen, Minnesota in September 2023 is $525,000. This is a 2% increase from August 2022 and a 1% increase from September 2022. The median home size is 2,600 square feet.The actual value of your home will depend on a number of factors, including the condition of your home, the location, and the current market conditions. You can get a more accurate estimate of your home's value by Contacting Me to schedule a property visit to complete a Market Value Report.Here are some things to consider: The condition of your home: A well-maintained home will be worth more than a home that needs repairs. The location of your home: Homes in desirable locations are worth more than homes in less desirable locations. The current market condi...