Belmont Home Sales For the Year
By Charlene Hammontree, Meeting the needs of Buyers and Sellers in MICH
(616 Realty LLC)
Going into the last part of the year, I feel there is some great news in our little town to share about home sales.According to the the information from The Grand Rapids Association of REALTORS web site, it has some pretty impressive numbers for our neighborhood. Indeed the market has torn a path in equity, but the sale facts remain strong and looking to be stronger.Currently as of 10/25/07 There are 88 homes on the market in 49306Lowest: $88,900Hightest: $650,000Average asking price: $278,412Average days on Market: 123 Solds as of 10/25/07There has been 65 homes sold since the first of the 2007Lowest: $90,000Hightest: $650,00Average: $229,220Average days on Market: 109What does this mean:Out of the 88 homes 74% of them should sellLowest Sales Price has dropped by 1%Hightest Priced Pro...