
Beaverton, MI Real Estate News

By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
  The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.   ~Mahatma GandhiInspired Quote of the Day   The sun was setting in the western sky as I was driving to a Pampered Chef Party hosted by my daughter-in-law (Trista) and my daughter (Julie) as the consultant. My one year old granddaughter showered with love and attention the entire time I was there! A special treat for any Grandma! The pull apart pizza and the brownies and strawberries were delicious. The brownies were a special treat. When they had seven minutes left to bake they were pulled from the oven. Marshmallows were cut up and tossed on along with Hershey's kisses. They were returned to the oven to finish baking and served up with caramel drizzled over the top. Oh my how yummy it was!  
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
A new hair do for you may be just what you need this time of year. Spring is near and maybe it's time for a new look. If you're in Beaverton Mi, you may want to visit Stylistics Salon on M30 just South of Dale Rd on the West side of the road. Fruchey's Foods is located on the corner, with K-Hardware just to the South. Stylistics shares a building with Green Ways. I received so many compliments on my new hair do and color it was just amazing! Chelly Harrell is the stylist and is building her business. She has been working two jobs for many months. Seven days a week. Most people are pretty specific in what they want done. However, I have only one requirement. Can't cut it all off. But color and style - I like to let her have a little fun. I always love whatever she does. Getting up in the...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
7:42 AM February 22, 2012 Two days ago, the weather was simply amazing. The sunrise was beautiful and birds were chirping. It was warm? Well, if you've been in the cold as long as us, yes, it really was warm! My daughter came into my room, opened the window and exclaimed what a beautiful day it was! I shared in her enthusiasm and agreed! Although I already knew it was a beautiful day. I had been up for a couple hours. And spending some of it with her and my daughter-in-law and grandbabies made it even more beautiful....   Today, spring is no longer in the air, and we are seeing that it really is still winter! Hoping to make snowmen later today or tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and a wonderful weekend!
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
February 24, 2012 in Beaverton Michigan Gladwin County Wixom Lake area. See how nature - trees, flowers, grass - grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence...we need silence to be able to touch souls.       - Mother Teresa Communication is key in many professions, including real estate. However, silence is also important in our lives. My husband has a couple of favorite tv sitcom series. They would be REBA and HOME IMPROVEMENT. Fortunately, since he plays them over and over, I like and enjoy them as well. Note: Our son in law had the priveledge of meeting and speaking to Reba. And even if she doesn't remember, he got to tell her that his father-in-law loves both her music and her show. There is an epis...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
It was real near six o clock pm on Thursday. Approaching the corner of Estey Road on Wieman. The sun was low in the sky and became a huge ball of brightness. Remembering how taking the picture of the sun ruined my husbands camera on his phone, I turned to the left, which was South. So the photo is facing the South West. And the clouds are illuminated by the sun.... Let there be light.... it soon disappeared and it was night. It's now a beautiful sunny cold day in Beaverton MI.
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
Blood drive  St. Anne’s - EDENVILLE donate blood Monday Feb. 20 12-5:30 p.m. St. Anne Church 5738 S. M-30 Beaverton MI 48612 Contact for your appointment. Photo ID or 2 pieces of non-photo ID required. Join the many who donate blood regulary. Just North of Dundas Rd Across from the Chemical Bank Location B on the map on the link above. Inspiration today, this evening actually.... long day....  The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.       - Winston Churchill Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.       - Da...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
This weekend is the Beaverton Craft Show. The vendors will appreciate your visiting them tomorow as they display their goods or services for you to browse or purchase or learn information. If you would enjoy a miniature exposition, you may want to plan to attend the Beaerton Craft Show. There will be a variety of items available for browsing or purchase. Jewelry, candles, soap, woodcrafts, purses, and direct sellers such as Thirty-One, Pampered Chef and Avon. It will be held in the middle of town at the Beaverton Community Center addressed 142 Saginaw Rd To be a vendor contact Marcy by January 31st at Come support your local vendors and help make this a wonderful event. Saturday February 11, 2012 9 AM - 3 PM Beaverton Community Center 142 Saginaw Rd Beaverton Mi 4861...
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By Sonya Loose, Helping Buyers & Sellers of Waterfront Property
(Modern Realty)
Real Estate Market Conditions for Wixom Lake    Wixom Lake     Welcome! Visitors are welcome in Beaverton, Michigan especially the kind that like to stay and play awhile! Come with your family, your friends or just yourself and I'll bet you'll make new friends while you're here! Wixom Lake is an approximately 2,000 acre all sports lake, inside Gladwin County and located in Beaverton, Michigan. The lake takes in Billings and Tobacco Township and is formed by the Tittabawassee River system and is also fed by the Cedar and Tobacco Rivers. It would take many hours of boat travel to see the entire lake! Many people enjoy Wixom Lake with pontoons, ski boats, jet ski's, fishing boats and it's not uncommon to see a canoe or kayak during the quieter times. Be sure to check out "Pontoon Alley", a...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
Robinson Industries of Beaverton Michigan is to be featured on 'World's Greatest' TV show The Beaverton thermoforming company, Robinson Industry, will be featured on an upcoming segment on the ION Network's 'World's Greatest' Executive Producer Gordon Freeman commented  "Robinson Industries is one of those companies that we like to feature on 'World's Greatest'. They are a Michigan company that is family-owned, fourth generation, women-owned, and started by Fred Robinson, a very innovative man who was a pioneer in the Plastics Industry." "His early techniques of thermoforming, while made better over time, are still used today, along with the Robinson Industries injection molding processes," he added. "We think their story will be meaningful to our viewers." The show will air on cable at...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
It really is winter here in Beaverton MI. Even though I think we have had less snow than normal and higher than usual temperatures. Some days are white and grey all day, like Monday of this week was. Other days are sunny and I saw a couple of flocks of geese fly over the office today. They were heading North East. They must have decided to stay here for the winter! Any way, whether it's warm or cold for you Happy Ground Hogs Day! Six more weeks of Winter Six weeks til Spring!  
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
Wixom Lake This is a link to one of my websites If you like to fish - this may be the site for you! If you just want to see some photos - this is the site for you! Listings with slide shows can be found here. This is an especially useful and information website: The Wixom Lake Improvement Board. My Active Rain blog Wix...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
If you would enjoy a miniature exposition, you may want to make a note on your calendar to attend the Beaerton Craft Show. There will be a variety of items available for browsing or purchase. Jewelry, candles, soap, woodcrafts, purses, and direct sellers such as Thirty-One, Pampered Chef and Avon. It will be held in the middle of town at the Beaverton Community Center addressed 142 Saginaw Rd To be a vendor contact Marcy by January 31st at Come support your local vendors and help make this a wonderful event. Saturday February 11, 2012 9 AM - 3 PM Beaverton Community Center 142 Saginaw Rd Beaverton Mi 48612  
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! 2011 is coming to a close. It's a time of celebration, reflection, anticipation! What can you do in the year of 2012 to make a difference in our community and in the lives of those you love and care about!   Let us more and more insist on raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace.       - Mother Teresa, Albanian Roman Catholic missionary in India   A person's true wealth is the good he or she does in the world.       - Mohammed     The only gift is a portion of thyself.        - Ralph Waldo Emerson   Believe, when you are most unhappy, that there is something for you to do in the world. So long as you can sweeten another's pain, life is not in vain.        - Helen Keller   Happy New Ye...
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By Sonya Loose, Helping Buyers & Sellers of Waterfront Property
(Modern Realty)
Billings Township Community Park Wieman Road, Beaverton, MI Wixom Lake Access!!   In 2011 a community minded volunteer group made of up of mostly Billings Township residents took on the task of cleaning up the former Ice Carnival Grounds.  The group spent many hot summer days removing debris, improving the boat launch, working towards a park suitable for families. In the fall of 2011 the above sign was built by the Beaverton Boy Scout Troop 755 and was installed at the property.  Funded with revenue from the communication tower on the property many more improvements will be made in the future.  They include landscape around said sign, basketball court, parking for lake access, overnight camping, a dock near the boat launch, and a paintball course that will host a tournament in the Sprin...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
Annual Harvest Dinner   Thursday October 13, 2011 First Presbyterian Church 201 S. Ross St Beaverton MI 48612 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM Take out available Adults $8.50 Children $3.00 Under 5 FREE Buffet style Roast Beef and trimmings More info: 989-435-7086
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
Wixom Lake is located primarily in Gladwin County and runs to the South into Midland County. It is fed mainly by the Tittabawasee River and the Tobacco River. There are four bridges that go over the waterways. There is the Dale Rd Bridge which is on the Tobacco River side. There is the M30 Bridge which sort of separates the two sides with Tobacco being the West side and the Tittabawasee on the East side. The Tittabawasee side goes far to the north with the Estey Rd Bridge and the Highwood Rd Bridge as crossings.  Approximately 2000 acres of waterway with many canals and some sand bars for swimming. The most popular swimming area is called Pontoon Alley.   Sales this year as per the Clare Gladwin Board of Realtors MLS are as follows:   Two waterfront lots have sold in Billings township ...
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By Sonya Loose, Helping Buyers & Sellers of Waterfront Property
(Modern Realty)
Beaverton Middle School Spirit Club 3rd Annual Homecoming Tailgate Party September 30, 2011    3:30 p.m. - until kickoff Beaverton Middle School Featuring two 2 piece Obstacle courses, Football and Basketball Toss.  Come Challenge your Friends!!!! $5 arm band gives unlimited access   $3 meal deal Hotdog $1.50, Pop $1, Chips $.50 Homemade Donuts from the Wild Pumpkin Farm $.50 Come enjoy the festivities after the parade and before the game!!! Bring chairs to sit and watch the fun!
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By Sonya Loose, Helping Buyers & Sellers of Waterfront Property
(Modern Realty)
Foreclosure Listings in Beaverton, Michigan This post is an update to a series I publish weekly on available foreclosure listings in the Beaverton, Michigan area. I also post a series on foreclosure listings that are currently available in Gladwin and Harrison, Michigan as well. You may find it helpful to check out all my foreclosure listing blog posts as they are updated weekly! On the right hand side of the screen you will find a button to click to subscribe to this blog. This will make it easy for you to get updates on available foreclosure listings! Click here to read important information that you NEED to know before searching for or buying a foreclosure property in Michigan. Below is the list of foreclosure listings for sale in Beaverton, Michigan in the Clare/Gladwin Board of Rea...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
In our work we come across many unusual sights. So on occasion I like to share them. I am a realtor here in Gladwin County Michigan. My office is a Beaverton address located by the southern Midland County line just north of Edenville Wixom Lake is an all sports lake with the Tobacco River and Tittabawasee River flowing into it as well as other smaller streams and water systems. We have great fishing and hunting here in the area. Great area to live or visit. You are invited! Listing and selling homes and land located here in Beaverton MI 48612 and the neighboring areas is what I do. Usually with a smile! Look forward to ...
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By Sonya Loose, Helping Buyers & Sellers of Waterfront Property
(Modern Realty)
Open House Saturday, July 30, 2011 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. 5435 Oakridge, Beaverton, MI  48612 Wixom Lake!!! . MLS # 155616 $299,000 Stunning Wixom Lake home!  2,446 sq feet of gorgeous, easy living with this 3 bedroom, 3 bath.  66' of frontage with a fabulous view of the lake!  Beautifully landscaped lawn is level to the water.  New steel seawall, docks, and 2 permanent boat hoists with custom made covers.  Patio door steps you into the family room with a 13' wet bar perfect for entertaining!  Kitchen offers granite counters, stainless appliances (including a double oven), hickory cabinets, center island, and ceramic tile floors.  Open kitchen and living room with floor to ceiling windows maximizes your waterfront view.  Peaceful living room with wood staircase to master bedroom loft.  Master...
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