
Beaverton, MI Real Estate News

By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
6000 S M-30, EDENVILLE, MI 48620 Beaverton MI 48612 Stereo Terra Music Festival August 16-19, 2012   For a weekend of fun, Buy a Four Day pass Click the link below for THINGS TO KNOW Things to know for StereoTerra Music Festival Find them on Facebook - click the link below to learn more.!/StereoTerra/notes
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
Ross Lake and Calhoun Park in Beaverton MI Another busy day, I worked the office in the AM. I went home and my dad brought over a bunch of Blueberries and Leuenberger Corn. With  a little help from family and friends everything was in freezer bags and the kitchen all clean again before midnight that night. Had to take two breaks. One to go vote. The other to go up to the ball park. Missed the cupcakes... I was greeted with hugs and kisses from my granddaughters and their tiny friends. My birthday girl granddaughter took me by the hand and we ran together across the field at the ball park. We ran and we ran until we could run no more. Then I sat in the grass with my other grandchild and we ate doritoes and corn puffs until our hands were all cheesy.
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By Sonya Loose, Helping Buyers & Sellers of Waterfront Property
(Modern Realty)
Foreclosure Listings in Beaverton, Michigan: This post is an update to a series I publish weekly on available foreclosure listings in the Beaverton, Michigan area. I also post a series on foreclosure listings that are currently available in Gladwin and Harrison, Michigan as well. You may find it helpful to check out all my foreclosure listing blog posts as they are updated weekly! On the right hand side of the screen you will find a button to click to subscribe to this blog. This will make it easy for you to get updates on available foreclosure listings!   Click here to read important information that you NEED to know before searching for or buying a foreclosure property in Michigan. Below is the list of foreclosure listings for sale in Beaverton, Michigan in the Clare/Gladwin Board of ...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
The Amen! of Nature is always a flower.Oliver Wendall Holmes Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless; peacocks and lillies for instance.John Ruskin
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
Happy Faces     Happy Faces are the best      !! The Beaverton Fourth of July parade from a different perspective:       The parade is completely different when you are a part of it instead of a spectator.   You can be in it? OR You can be a spectator? It's up to you.......    
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By Sonya Loose, Helping Buyers & Sellers of Waterfront Property
(Modern Realty)
Beaverton's 2012 4th of July Celebration     Tuesday, July 3rd Beaverton Sidewalk Sales 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. BABA's Rock The Park featuring the bank Jedi Mind Trip, Calhoun Park, 7 p.m. til midnight.  $5 gate fee (Must be 21 to enter)   Wednesday, July 4th Community Breakfast 8-9:30 a.m., First Presbyterian Church Parade 11 a.m. (Super Heroes Theme) Kids Games 1 p.m. at Ross Lake Park Kids Amusements in the park 2 p.m. - 8 p.m. FIREWORKS AT DUSK!!    
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
Ten Fun Things to Do in Beaverton MI 48612 Ten Fun Things to Do in or around Beaverton MI 1. Swimming at Ross Lake Park 2. Bowling at Beaverton Bowl 3. Camping at one of the local campgrounds such as Tobacco River Campground or the Lost Haven Campground 4. Dining at Delena's or the Beaverton Tavern 5. Visit the Beaverton Library 6. Enjoy a movie at The Beaverton Gem Theater   7. Fishing in the lake, streams or rivers such Ross Lake, Tobacco Tobacco River, Cedar River   8. Hiking or camping at Calhoun Park 9. Canoeing at the Cedar River Campground 10. Shopping the dollar stores, the health food store, hardware, or drive out to the antique store corner of M30 & Brushaber or Kindred Hearts corner of Lyle.     It's not too late to join the fun that's going on in Beaverton Mi located in Glad...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
Rock the Park in Beaverton MI 48612 B.A.B.A. Presents: Rock The Park Tuesday, July 3rd 8:00 P.M. to Midnight ” Rock The Park ” with   JEDI MIND TRIP Calhoun Park 3908 Roehrs Road Beaverton, MI Admission $5.00     Must be 21 to Enter  Beer Tent  Food Vendors   Gates Open at 7:00 PM  Free Parking   * Calhoun Campground – Sites Available *  Calhoun Campground This 40-acre campground in the woods is nestled along the bountiful backwaters of Ross Lake, at the mouth of the South Branch of the Tobacco River. Offering the camper all modern facilities including electricity, hot showers, sanitation station, handicap accessible fishing and boating dock, playground, picnic pavilion and much more. Bring your fishing hat since the fishing is splen...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
Don't Worry Be Happy   "Here's a little song I wrote · You might want to sing it note for note · Don't worry, be happy · In every life we have some trouble · But when you worry .................."   Quotes to Overcome Worry and Anxiety   Don't waste your life in doubts and fears: spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours or ages that follow it.Ralph Waldo Emerson   No longer forward nor behindI look in hope and fear;But grateful take the good I find,The best of now and here.John G. Whittier   It is not work that kills men, it is worry. Work...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
I just had to snap a photo, not the best I know, of this turtle. I was on my way out of our private road / driveway and there he or maybe she was. As I stopped to take the picture, the owners of the residence were also discovering the turtle. I continued on out the drive and I am confident the turtle went home safely....   Some inspiration below:   The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.       - Carl Jung   No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted. - Aesop, Greek fabulist Have a happy and safe holiday weekend.  
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
Saturday May 26, 2012   Sidewalk Sales and Rummage Sale Rain or Shine at Stylistics 4568 M 30 Beaverton, MI 48612   Variety of items for sale Grilling Hotdogs     Behavior Never Lies; Actions Alone Show Our True Priorities.   ~ Anthony G. Martin July 9, 2010 12:03 PM Conservative Examiner via  
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
Annual Spring Dinner Thursday May 10'th, 2012   First Presbyterian Church 201 S Ross Street Beaverton MI 48612   The Menu: Swiss Steak Mashed Potatoes Salad Vegetables Pie   Adults $8.50 Ages 5-12 $3.00 Under 5 FREE   Take Out Available   Call the church office 989-435-7086    This sounds really good. I love that they are offering "take out" !!
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
You are invited to purchase tickets to the 13'th Annual Polish Dinner Homemade by their Knights, wives and the parish volunteers Presented by St. Philip Neri - St. Anne's K of C Council 12660 Pierogi, Galabki, Kielbasa & Kraut, Chicken Noodle Soup Buttered Kluski, Kapusniak, Czarnina, and Paczki At the door Tickets are $12 Adults $6 Under 18 St. Anne's Parish Hall 5738 S. M 30 Edenville, MI Saturday April 28, 2012 Ticket Holders will be seated first Dinner will be served following the 4:00 PM Mass
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
Inspired Quote of the Day™                                                Life is a gift. Everyday you have another chance, another opportunity to make adifference. ~ Carl David                                                                               Today's Brilliance™                                                                                                Carl David                        Carl is a third generation fine art dealer and the author of Bader Field.   "Don't be discouraged. It's often the last key in the bunch that opens thelock." In an email from a friend -    Inspired Quote of the Day™                                                Waiting for someone else to rescue you is like outsourcing your soul. Rescueyourself, and take back your life. ~ Dr. Ramani Durva...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
  Your realtor is your wealth of knowledge. Your source of information.  You are not alone.   Wixom Lake Real Estate with Marilyn Harrell of RE/MAX Riverhaven TO view our company listings: If you would like to buy or sell in this area and have questions, please contact me at your convenience by phone or email.
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
Benefit Dinner  for Tonya Torrez  March 31, 2012     LOCATION: Beaverton Bowl, Beaverton Mi 48612   Spaghetti Dinner from 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM  Cost will be $10 for adults with kids 5 and under free. There will be both a silent and live auction.  DJ from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m.  The important thing is to get the word out to our community about this event so there is a great turn out and that money can be raised to help this family.  Community The term community has two distinct meanings: 1) A group of interacting people, living in some proximity (i.e., in space, time, or relationship). Community usually refers to a social unit larger than a household that shares common values and has social cohesion. The term can also refer to the national community or international community, and, 2) in biology...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
Sunburst The sun was behind the tree line when I focused to take the picture. When the picture took the sun had burst into the picture. Beaverton MI near Wixom Lake                         Inspired Quote of the Day™                                                Everything is Energy, literally. Everything that you see, feel, touch, taste,'s all Energy. And you interact with this energy in every day and everymoment, for life! ~ David Morelli                                                                                                                                               Today's Brilliance™                                                                                                Kristin and David Morelli                        Kristin and David are the founders ...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
I find beauty in nature. I see it every day. In the morning, during the day and in the evening. And if I am awake, there is even beauty in the night. It's a little different than daytime beauty. And the sounds of nature are beautiful too. I especially enjoy the sound of the pike stream behind my home. The sound of the wind. The sound of the birds, the frogs and even crickets sometimes, provided I don't have a headache. Then they annoy me.... Take time to be inspired and to enjoy nature on a daily basis.   Inspired Quote of the Day™                                                The absolutely awesome incredible power of belief is the genie in your life. ~Eldon Taylor                                                                                                                         ...
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By Sonya Loose, Helping Buyers & Sellers of Waterfront Property
(Modern Realty)
Real Estate Market Conditions for Wixom Lake    Wixom Lake     Welcome! Visitors are welcome in Beaverton, Michigan especially the kind that like to stay and play awhile! Come with your family, your friends or just yourself and I'll bet you'll make new friends while you're here! Wixom Lake is an approximately 2,000 acre all sports lake, inside Gladwin County and located in Beaverton, Michigan. The lake takes in Billings and Tobacco Township and is formed by the Tittabawassee River system and is also fed by the Cedar and Tobacco Rivers. It would take many hours of boat travel to see the entire lake! Many people enjoy Wixom Lake with pontoons, ski boats, jet ski's, fishing boats and it's not uncommon to see a canoe or kayak during the quieter times. Be sure to check out "Pontoon Alley", a...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
Benefit at the   Eagles Club 1380 Estey Rd Albright Shores Beaverton Mi 48612   Roxanne Aultman Perras   March 4, 2012   1:00 - 5:00 PM   Music   Raffle   $10 Spaghetti Dinner   and more   OK, i dont have a flyer or anything on this one. But it has to do with medical treatments and expenses for her. The important thing is to get the word out to our community about this event so there is a great turn out and that money can be raised to help this family in need.   Community The term community has two distinct meanings: 1) A group of interacting people, living in some proximity (i.e., in space, time, or relationship). Community usually refers to a social unit larger than a household that shares common values and has social cohesion. The term can also refer to the national community or inte...
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Explore Beaverton, MI