
Beaverton, MI Real Estate News

By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
      Don't brave the waters alone ! Wixom Lake Realtor to assist you with all your real estate needs, whether buying or selling, you can count on reliable friendly service to reach your goals. Marilyn Harrell Realtor since 2003 Wixom Lake - Gladwin & Beaverton MICHIGAN Wixom Lake is located in Gladwin County, Beaverton MI 48612 and Hope MI 48628 Wixom Lake is an all sports lake which offers approximately 2000 acres to boat and fish. This area is a sports mans delight with thousands of acres of state land near by for hunting or riding recreational verhicles. There are many other lakes, rivers and streams to fish. NOTE: This entry has been changed as of noon on 08-17-09 - original below.....  
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By Sonya Loose, Helping Buyers & Sellers of Waterfront Property
(Modern Realty)
  This post is an update to a series I publish on available foreclosure listings in the Gladwin, Michigan area.  I will include available foreclosure listings in Clare, Michigan, Harrison, Michigan Beaverton, Michigan and the surrounding areas as well.    I will start with a summary of important information to know and consider before beginning the process of searching for bank owned and HUD properties. Definition of foreclosure according to wikipedia is: The foreclosure process as applied to residential mortgage loans is a bank or other secured creditor selling or repossessing a parcel of real property (immovable property) after the owner has failed to comply with an agreement between the lender and borrower called a "mortgage" or "deed of trust". Commonly, the violation of the mortgag...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
These two pictures have something in common other than the bee balm!! or the weeds....... I really enjoy taking pictures, especially pictures of nature! With practice and a better camera, even most of my listing pictures are pretty good these days! Always look for ways to improve yourself or learn something and YOU WILL NEVER BE BORED!!   ("Bored" is a teen ager word - it's their "Work", like "play" is to a baby!!!) Realtor since 2003 Marilyn Harrell Century21 Smith-Miller, Inc. Wixom Lake office 989-689-4141 Gladwin office 989-426-7621 Cell 989-429-8511  
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
The humming birds like bee balm, so I like them too! Lillies gone wild!!!! The peas have been picked - they were really good!!! Grapes are green now, but in the fall they make great grape jelly! Will be picking tomatoes soon! Already picked (and ate) summer squash! The potatoes and corn are doing great as well! The gardens and farmers crops are in need of rain. We need Rain!!!!!!! Have a beautiful day................. Marilyn Harrell Realtor - Licensed since 2003 Century21 Smith-Miller, Inc. 989-689-4141 Wixom Lake Office 989-429-8511 Cell phone      
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
Diggin' Michigan since 1943 Beaverton Parade July 4'th, 2009 A catchy slogan has always gone far in advertising! Can you name where these come from? "GOOD TO THE LAST DROP" "HAVE IT YOUR WAY" "Choosy mothers choose ____" Some of you were named well for using in advertising! Like Sue for "Sue's News" This is what I use for my real estate websites! "BUYSELLHARRELL.COM" and WIXOM LAKE REAL ESTATE .com and "" Selling Real Estate and licensed in Michigan since 2003!!!! Have a GREAT DAY!    
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
Billing TWP Fire Dept enjoyed the parade in Allbright Shores, here's a good close up picture of the Air Boat Billings Township shows off their AIR BOAT in the Beaverton 4'th of July Parade Billings Township Fire & Rescue at the parade in All Bright Shores The mini car! Doesn't that little car look like a lot of fun? Beaverton Parade A Tribute to our men in the service - Beaverton Parade Beaverton Parade was held at 11:00 AM Saturday July 4'th 2009! All Bright Shores Parade was held at 1:00 PM Saturday July 4'th 2009 One thing I noticed, there was a lack of your old fashioned "Float" entries in the parade. I thought there weren't as many classic cars as usual either. It was great weather and a great day for a parade! Still have my favorite pictures to post and my daughter took pictures ...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
RESERVE A PLACE IN BEAVERTON MI HISTORY Purchasing a "Paver" in the Monument that is to be built outside the Beaverton Community Center will reserve YOUR PLACE in history! The Lions Club kicked off this campaign as a way to pay for remodeling and improvements to the Beaverton Community Center that was constructed in 1971. It is used for many community activities and events. SALES BEGIN JUNE 1, 2009 (Phase one will end on September 8, 2009) Commemorate an occasion, honor a loved one or leave your own legacy! TO support this fundraising project, or for more information, contact Brian Rowland Paver information: 4" x 8"        $75.00 8" x 8"       $200.00 Pave your name into Beaverton history!!!! Marilyn Harrell Realtor Century21 Smith-Miller, Inc. 989-429-8511 Buy or sel...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
WIXOM LAKE REAL ESTATE - Marilyn Harrell REALTOR Real Estate in Beaverton MI 48612 Gardening can be similar to a real estate career.You must put a lot of time and energy into your garden or your career or you may not get what you really want. If you over turned a small plot of land, but never planted anything, whether you fertilize or not, the rain and the sun will eventually turn your little plot of land into a weed patch with a little bit of grass. You will have some flowers, because even most weeds eventually have flowers, but is this the kind of flower you want to have in your garden? If you plant flowers and then pull the weeds as they appear you will have a beautfiul little flower garden! A little time and effort with the correct timing make all the difference. As a realtor, this ...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
Lilacs are so delightful! The aroma is so intoxicating, you can smell them from quite a distance. They make a beautiful green natural screen throughout the spring, summer and fall months. They do lose their leaves in the fall like so many of our trees and shrubs. They reproduce quickly and are very easy to transplant. Even a tiny little lilac will produce a flower or two. As they grow, they can turn tree like, and in a good year, they have tons of beautiful flowers. Some years a storm reduces their blossoming time, but this year has been GREAT! Take time to smell the flowers! Photos by Marilyn Harrell Realtor in BEAVERTON MI 48612 GLADWIN COUNTY WIXOM LAKE Century21 Smith-Miller, Inc.
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
                                                       Rare and beautiful "Pink Lady Slipper"  The pink lady slipper does not bloom every year, however, I cannot determine it's pattern. Sometimes apple trees or black berries have "Bumper" crops every other year, but it seems like these bloom for a few years in a row, and then for a year or two or even more, they don't. Typically we find them between Mothers Day and Memorial Day. We have never picked them or tried to transplant them, however, we do protect the area of land where they have been known to grow. Our son and his friends know not to drive their big mud trucks or four wheelers in this spot. In the year they do bloom, there are usually only 2 or 3 blooms. Last year there were two. We enjoy and admire their beauty. There may not...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
                                                Lily in Bloom! I awoke in the night with this tune in my head .... "Da Da DAH More than meets the eye Da DA DAHHHHH.."  The TRANSFORMER song!!!                                            Daffodils to brighten a dull day!   I wrote this poem : I know - Don't quit my "day job" ? You do know that I'm a realtor!!!!   Hold On Hold on to each other dear For year after year After she is grown and out on her own You'll still have each other to live life together! The time flys by so fast with memories that last When she comes back For love you'll not lack Hold on to each other As you live life together!     Photos and poem by Marilyn Harrell Realtor for Century21 Smith-Miller, Inc.  
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
This little flower looks so small and yet stands so tall. Perspective! How do you look at the glass? Is it half full? Is it half empty? The OPTIMIST is the DREAMER and the HOPER, The optimist will ANTICIPATE THE BEST POSSIBLE OUTCOME Are you hoping and dreaming and anticipating the BEST? It must start somewhere, let it begin with you.            
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
This is my home away from home! Located at 5837 S M 30 in Beaverton MI 48612 Just South of the Chemical Bank in Edenville (across from St. Marys Catholic Church) Just North of Strykers Marina and JP's Pizza CENTURY 21 SMITH-MILLER, INC. Phone 989-689-4141 Fax 989-689-4146 Drop in and say "HI" when you get the chance! Marilyn Harrell Realtor - Sales Associate Agent you can Trust Dedicated, reliable - at your service! Helping Buyers and Sellers make good decisions! Let me put my expertise to work for you. Experienced professional. Knowledgeable advocate. Trusted advisor, Skilled negotiator, Expert Faciliator   I share this office with my coworkers from Century 21 Smith-Miller, Inc.                                   Open 7 days a week!      
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
While out showing waterfront cottages last week, I parked in front of this sign.  It's a great message - Short and to the point.   This is what you may look like if you         SEEK PEACE                                           AND PURSUE IT!   While you may not be able to change the world, you can make a difference.     Marilyn Harrell Realtor in Gladwin County        
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
THIS OLD HOUSE OF MINE   There's a great surge of building wherever you go Up and down all the highways new homes seem to grow There are small ones and large ones, some costly and fine While I continue to live in this old house of mine.   I'd like a nice kitchen with windows so wide That I could see all the things that I love so outside, The trees and the grass and the clothes on the line, And Dad's flowers next to this old house of mine.   I'd like nice new cupboards with shelves all inside To store all the groceries and dishes to hide; But I'll paint my old cabinet of ancient design For it fits to a tee this old house of mine.   My house isn't beautiful, no not at all; It's not large and spacious and not very tall; But it's home and I love it more deeply with time -- It's a haven of r...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
My first Spring blooms           Look how the sun shines almost through the petal....                                        .... Daffodil greens below .... ENJOYING THE FIRST BLOOMS IN MY GARDEN THIS SPRING OF 2009 in BEAVERTON MI   As I shared in one of my previous blogs, my sister sends me emails with .... well, you really just don't know where it came from or what's coming next. Most are quotes of inspiration, some even by famous people, like Abraham Lincoln or Bob Hope. Despite the origin, I always enjoy. This, I thought was worth sharing.....   > REDNECK LENT> > Each Friday night after work, Bubba would fire up his outdoor> grill and cook a venison steak.> > But, all of Bubba's neighbors were Catholic..And since it was> Lent , they were forbidden from eating meat on Friday.> The ...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
 Julie's Jewelry - Jewelry by Julie!       Brown Bead Rope Necklace and Bracelet        Wire Necklace with Pink Flower and White Beads  Blueish Bead Wire Necklace & Bead Bracelets         Blue & White bead Neacklace & Bracelet These beautiful works of art were created by Julie Harrell of Beaverton MI. This is just a small sample of the artistic jewelry she has made over the years, yet with no two pieces being identical. Many items have been used as gifts; her Grandma Net & Aunt Lori have been most appreciative and often are wearing something she made to church, to work or at a family get together. Julie is my daughter and has an Associate in Art Degree from Mid Michigan Community College. (Hi Julie - Love you!)   Marilyn Harrell Century21 Smith-Miller, Inc. Realtor          
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
  Going "Muddin" is a favorite past time around here for many people of all ages. It a lot of work getting the truck ready to go. We have to check under the hood and check the tires, and crawl underneath! "First we aired the tires! Then we put in the fan blade. You'll have to ask my daddy what else had to be done. These pictures are from another mud bog, before I was born! Looking forward to lots of muddin this year with my mommy and daddy. "  
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
Congratulations to all the winners! Ralphe Haske 5'th Annual Ice Fishing Tournament! The results are in: Dick Goodall of Midland won the "Wixom Lake Championship Award" for the most pan fish by weight with 9.6 # Matt Douglass of Hope was second with 7.8# Don Harmon of Beaverton was third with 6.1# Ron Hope fourth with 4.2# The Ralphe Haske Award went to Robert Polak of Rose City - His pike was 25 3/4 " long! Matt Douglas of Hope caught the largest pan fish, a 10 3/4 " crappie. Best Fish Tales: Brain Sapp of Lupton James Hicks of Gladwin Junior Angler winners: Michael Dubay of Gladwin had 8' 5" on accumulative inches of fish for the win! James Hicks of Gladwin had 3' 9" taking second place. Jesse Little, also of Gladwin, had 2' 2". Saturday the weather was kind of snowy and very white ou...
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By Marilyn Harrell, Wixom Lake - Beaverton MI
(Better Homes and Acres)
   Photos by Julie Harrell The fourth of July is the most famous night for fireworks, yet on beautiful Wixom Lake, they're not just for Independence Day! There are several displays put on by home owners that either live on the lake or came up to their cottage to stay and play for awhile. Fire works can be seen all year round, but not every weekend.  News Years is always a great time for a bang! Being a realtor in the Wixom Lake area has been a challenging and rewarding experience. Working hard comes natural to me. My dad is a work-a-holic as well as a walking phone book, both traits apparently have been inherited from him! Nothing wrong with strong work ethics. Life is all about balance. I'll be enjoying fireworks throughout the year. Hope you will too. At least one pic loaded, I'll add...
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