
Battle Creek, MI Real Estate News

By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Last night I went to a Battle Creek Bombers baseball game at C.O. Brown Stadium.  The Bombers are part of the Northwoods League, which consists of 16 teams spanning mostly the East Coast and northwest United States.  They are not an official minor league organization connected with MLB, but a independent league.  The players are college students who are playing the summer in the league befoe going back to their college leagues later in the year.  They are not paid, which preserves their NCAA standing. The Northwoods League was founded in 1994 by a group of businessmen who wanted to bring baseball to communities in a more localized experience.  Originally when they established, there were only 8 teams.  Over the years they have grown to the 16 that are a part of the league today.  The te...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I was out enjoying the weekend on Sunday, and I of course had my camera with me.  I saw this Oriole taking a bath in a little stream at a mini-golf place I was at, and I had to snap some photos.  He looked like he did not have a care in the world, and was really enjoying himself.  His feathers were so colorful, I thought he would make a great post for my blog.  Here are a few of the better shots I took of him.
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
When it comes to taking that first step with the decision to become a homeowner, it helps to have some insight on how to begin.  Too many times I have encountered first time home buyers who have been given a lot of wrong directions from well meaning people, but they could have avoided a lot of heart ache if they had consulted a professional like a REALTOR®.  I recently was working with a young lady who was very excited to buy a house in the same neighborhood as her family.  She had gone to her credit union and was told she was pre-qualified, but did not get anything in writing.  We located a house she wanted, and we were preparing to write the offer, and I sent her back to her credit union for a letter in writing.  It turned out the credit union did not offer a loan program for mortgage...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
If you are looking for something to do outdoors in the sunshine, then taking a visit to a local putt-putt golf range might be just what you need.  This past weekend I went to Krystal Falls Golfland in Battle Creek, Michigan with my little brother from the Big Brothers, Big Sisters program.  We were on our way back from a dog show in Kalamazoo, and we got the idea to go have a little fun outdoors. He suggested we stop at Krystal Falls Golfland, and so we were off.  There are 18 holes at Krystal Falls Golfland, and they are located at: 15190 Helmer Rd, in Battle Creek, Michigan.  It is easy to find behind the Meijers grocery store on Columbia Ave and Helmer Rd.  Some of the basic course etiquette of playing putt-putt golf are as follows: 6 Strokes maximum per hole. 4 Players per hole pref...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I posted photos last weekend of some of the classic cars that were on display at the Cerealfest in Battle Creek, Michigan held on June 11th.  I went through my photos and decided to post the remainder of the ones I took pictures of that were in my collection.  Many of these cars will bring back memories, and I think that is why generations of people are still attracted to them.  They are a more than a piece of history, they are a testimony of the artistry and craftsmen from another era.  Many of these designs are timeless, and I wish modern day manufacturers would being them back. A lot of these are oldies, but goodies!  A love to check out a classic car show when one comes around.
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I have been blogging this week about the annual Cerealfest that is held in Battle Creek, Michigan.  The 2011 Cerealfest was held last weekend on June 11th.  During the event there was a large stage that was set up across one of the streets, and throughout the morning of a series of performers were presented.  I happened by during one of the dance groups, and had my camera handy.  I managed to get a pretty good video, and some still shots.  If you look at the crowd, there were a lot of them dancing in the streets along with the performers.  These performers were extermely energetic, and I was just completely impressed watching them.  This was a lot of fun, and it really livened up the crowd.  Nothing like having a little cereal and then doing some dancing to get your day going!  I hope y...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
The annual Cerealfest was just held this past weekend in Battle Creek, Michigan.  It is an event that has gone on for over 100 years now, and it consists of the three cereal companies (Kellogg's, Post and Ralston Foods) serving free breakfast cereal to thousands of people.  The event includes not only cereal, but games for the kids, booths with a variety of venders, a classic car show and a center stage where entertainment and broadcasting occur.  This year there were also other food venders brought in, and the festival included all of McCamly Park downtown.  This was due to construction on Michigan Avenue downtown.  However, the change was nice and there was plenty to see at the event.  As a local Realtor, I love to attend the Cerealfest and take pictures as it is one of my favorite su...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Now that blogging has been a part of my life for over a year and a half now as a local Realtor, I am constantly looking for things to write about.  Sometimes photos are the best way to tell a story.  This year I took some time like I do every year and visit the cereal festival held downtown in Battle Creek, Michigan.  This year, I took over 300 photos and shot a lot of video, which I intend to create into something for my YouTube channel in the coming weeks.  As I was going through the photos, I realized that to best understand the cereal festival, one needs to look at the faces of kids.  I took a lot of shots of kids at this years event.  So I thought I would share some of the ones I feel were the best candid shots of the children at the 2011 Cereal Festival in Battle Creek, Michigan. ...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Yesterday the city of Battle Creek held its annual Cereal Festival, and at the festival were a series of classic cars from different eras on display from the owners.  I had to take some time and snap a few photos.  Some of the car owners had some pretty funny props with their cars, and those were amusing too.  Approximately 10,000 people visit the cereal festival each year and take part in the free cereal donated by Kellogg's, Post and Ralston Foods.  Volunteers serve the cereal, milk and if you get there early enough, bannanas and pop tarts.  This year, I have been on a diet, so I was not able to take part in the food, but I did take some time to walk around and take a lot of photos which will give me great content this coming week for my blogs.  Meanwhile, enjoy the cars... More to co...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I have long been a coffee drinker in the morning.  To me, no morning is complete without a good cup of coffee.  My wife is Colombian, and thus is a bit of a coffee officianado.  We pay extra for the whole bean coffee which we grind ourselves.  Of course, we like it strong as well.  Recently on my new diet, I have to drop out the use of cream in my coffee, which is fine.  Now I am accustomed to my strong cup of black coffee to get me going in the morning. A few weeks ago I had to leave the house to handle a last minute appointment, and before I was long on the road, I realized I had not had my morning coffee.  Then, as if by some sort of divine intervention to test my endurance, I ended up following this truck on the highway for the next several miles! I thought you would enjoy this phot...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I have a fondness for herbs and plants.  I have my own small green house in the back yard, and although my schedule tends to prevent me from doing as much as I would like out there, I still benefit from the rewards of my perennial herbs that return each spring.  Sweet Rocket grows wild in Michigan, but it was originally brought over from Europe in the 17th century.   It's official name is: 'Hersperis Matronalis'.  It has numerous common names including: Dame's Rocket, Damask Violet, Dame's Violet, Dames-wort, Dame's Gilliflower, Night Scented Gilliflower, Queen's Gilliflower, Rogue's Gilliflower, Summer Lilac, Sweet Rocket, Mother-of-the-evening, Vesper Flower and, Winter Gilliflower.  The colors are most commonly shades of purple and white. Some states have declared it an invasive spec...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
This past weekend I went to visit the Binder Park Zoo here in Battle Creek for the first time this season.  I enjoy seeing the animals, and birds, and took a great deal of photos and video.  However, one of the most fun parts of my visit was to take photos of the children visiting them zoo.  The Binder Park zoo has so many things for children to do in addition to just seeing the animals.  They can attend a discovery theatre and interact with the animals first hand in a special show held periodically throughout the day.  They can also visit the Miller Children's Zoo exhibit where they can pet llamas, goats, and other animals.  Once they are done with that, they can go on over to the carousel and take a ride, then follow the experience with ice cream.  Another great thing the zoo offers i...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Getting back to normal is sometimes as uphill battle after a destructive natural disaster.  Recently this past weekend, the Battle Creek area experienced a severe high wind storm bordering on tornados that wiped out thousands of trees across the area, knocking out power to over 27,000 residents.  Today power was finally restored at my Realty office of Troxel Realty, but so many other places around town are not so fortunate.  It may be Friday before power is fully restored to the entire city.  Then there is the daunting task of insurance claims, repairs and trash removal from the streets, homes and neighborhoods surrounding the region.  I have included a few photos here to show the power of the storm, and it really makes one marvel at the force of Mother Nature.  As I drove around town y...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
The Binder Park Zoo in Battle Creek, Michigan is a great asset to the community.  The Binder park zoo consists of approximately 600 specimens of over 140 species including one of the largest giraffe herds in the United States.  The zoo also contains 32 rare and exotic animal exhibits plus 19 domestic animal exhibits.  They are one of a handful of self-supporting nonprofit zoos in North America. The Binder Park Zoo is not supported by tax subsidy, and generates its $4.2 million operating budget through operations (89%) and the remainder from gifts and grants (11%).   This is quite an achievement for a zoo.  Each year, hundreds of adults and youth volunteer to support the zoo and its staff in the running of events.  As a local Realtor, I have long been a supporter of the Binder Park Zoo. ...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
This past Memorial Day weekend Battle Creek, Michigan and many other areas in the Southwest part of the State experienced massive damage from an instense thunder storm that came through the area.  Tornado syle winds were a part of the tirade of winds that accompanied the storm.  The good news is that the community is organizing and breaking out their chainsaws, clearing roads, etc.  The local power company, Consumers Energy has a massive amount of service trucks working to restore power neighborhood, by neighborhood.  There are a tremendous amount of trees down, and many that were extremely large.  You can see the sheer force of this storm by looking at some of these photos of the aftermath that I took while driving around town this morning. The estimated damage to property city-wide ca...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Do you like fresh peanut butter?  Have you ever had it?  At Horrock's Famers Market in Battle Creek, Michigan they have a fresh peanut butter making machine that is one of my favorite items to stop at.  You can put your container of various sizes right under the machine, and push the button and watch the peanut butter be made before your eyes.  I find this very cool. The following history of peanut butter I found on Wikipedia: "A U.S. Patent issued in 1884 to Marcellus Gilmore Edson of Montreal, Quebec, Canada, for the finished product of the process of milling roasted peanuts between heated surfaces until the peanuts entered "a fluid or semi-fluid state." As the peanut product cooled, it set into what Edson explained as being "a consistency like that of butter, lard, or ointment." Edso...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I have been in sales since I was a little kid, from the times when my mother and father would have me involved in school and Boy Scout fundraising drives to sell things to raise money for one cause or another.  I sold everything from chocolate bars, to breakfast tickets and flowers.  They did this with all the kids in my family, so it no wonder that at least one of us got involved in some sort of a sales profession. There is a particular law of life that I have learned through hard won experience over the many years of being involved in sales. This is the law of abundance versus scarcity.  Whenever there is an abundance of something, one can feel free to consume as much as one wants without a concern when one wastes one or two.  When there is a scarcity, the thought of wasting one or tw...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Calhoun County has a County-wide initiative that kicked off earlier this year to have residents lose weight.  The goal County-wide is to lose 100,000 lbs.  To date, as of this writing, combined participants have lost a total of 12,800+ pounds!  This is a healthy and fun initiative, and encouges adults of all ages to lose weight, exercise and eat healthy. After many weeks of delay, I have finally decided to take the challenge myself.  I am not too proud to admit that I am overweight, and that I need to do something about it.  I am boldly taking on the challenge and have logged onto the official website: and signed up.  The website is very user friendly, and it is free.  When you sign up as a participant in the challenge, you fill out a profile which is tota...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Over the last year or so the Battle Creek Central High School here near dowtown had been expanded with new classrooms and a gymnasium.  The project also renovated the football field.  It was quite an amazing transformation, and I drove by it yesterday and snapped this photo.  Battle Creek Central High School has a very good performance record academically, and it had often been regarded as a older school in the area.  Now with its new facelift and expansion, it is quite the facility. If you are making a move to the Battle Creek area, give me a call.  I am a local Realtor, and I can take you by the new school!  Call 269-441-8182 or contact me through my website at:
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Buying HUD homes as an investor requires some patience, and perseverance.  The first time an investor approaches the process, they may not realize that when a HUD home first comes on the market it is available only to owner occupant bidders.  So as compelling the home may be to consider buying, it may not be available to you as a bidder.  As a Realtor, I stay on top of changes in the buying procedures for HUD homes.  Buying HUD homes as an investor is a great game, but it must also be played with common sense.  If you do not educate yourself into how the bidding process works, you may not be successful. When a home is not sold during the ‘Owner Occupant' bidding period, it then becomes available to ‘All bidders'.  What this means is that investors can now place an offer, but also ‘Owner...
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