
Battle Creek, MI Real Estate News

By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
The new homebuyer faces challenges in rising to homeownership and achieving the American Dream in today's market.  With constant government interference into the course of the housing industry, and the ever changing market, to many prospective home buyers homeownership appears to be a daunting task.  The important thing for a new prospective buyer to know is that despite the seeming complexity at times, it has at its foundation a very simple foundation of basic ideals.  The goal of homeownership requires a recognition that there will be barriers along the way, but also a lot of freedom too.  It is all driven by 'purpose'.  If it is truly your purpose to become a homeowner, then no barrier, no matter how it appears to be impassible, can stop you. A large barrier in today's economy is the...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I have gotten used to using whiskey barrels in my back yard for some of my planting in recent years.  They come in quite handy, and have some great advantages for gardening and landscaping.  One of the nice advantages is that they can be used to grow plants that you want to contain in a small area, because they are invasive and will take over your yard.  Whiskey barrels are perfect for things like mint, for example.  Another nice advantage of these is that they put the planting about 2 to 3 feet off the ground, so there is less bending over if you have back problems.  You can easily keep up with the weeding without all the back pain.  I also like the fact that you can grow grass right up to it, and you can run your weed wacker right up next to it and never damage it.  The extra height c...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I am still going through my tons of photos I took at the Field of Flight Air Show & Balloon Festival that was held here in Battle Creek, Michigan earlier this month.  I had gone to the event on Monday with my little brother from Big Brothers, Big Sisters and he wanted to visit the carnival section.  While there he had to try his hand at shooting hoops at one of the booths.  Well, to the surprise of those running the booth, he cleaned up!  Here he is with his winnings: a huge Curious George Monkey and a stuffed football.  I have been a volunteer for Big Brothers, Big Sisters (BBBS) since 2008, and I have really enjoyed it.  Lorenzo (pictured) and I have been together as a match for about 2 years now, and we always find things to go do together that is fun.  We go bowling a lot in the win...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I had to share this one.  Here I am at the NASA exhibit that was part of a moving expedition at the Field of Flight Air Show & Balloon Festival in early July.  This was something you could climb a ladder and kind of climb into to pose for a photo.  Or, if you have a even greater imagination, you can just picture me walking on the moon showing houses or vacant land to developers.  Imagine what that will be like?  'Too much moon rock over here Mr. Buyer, I suggest you consider the valley over there.  It has a better earth rise in the morning...' Have a great day everyone!  
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
On the 4th of July weekend I went to the Battle Creek Field of Flight & Balloon Festival held at the W.K. Kellogg Airfield.  Part of the event was a fair, complete with a ferris wheel and some other rides.  I took the photo below when walking around right at dusk when I first got there, and I thought it was kind of a typical scene one might see anywhere in the country in July.  Just looking at it myself, it brings me back to all the times I went to the fair with my parents in the summer time.   Funnel Cake anyone?  How about a Sno Cone?
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
One of my favorite personal finds in my area is the Farmers Market in Battle Creek, Michigan.  The Farmers Market is held each Saturday and Wednesday morning in downtown Battle Creek out side the McCamly Plaza.  Local farmers from around the region come to sell their goods and produce, and it is a great healthy alternative to the produce you find in a regular grocery store.   Additionally, the prices are very competitive and the produce in many cases is larger and healthier looking as well. My wife and I make the visit to the Farmers Market at least once a week, as we have been on a diet that is low calorie and calls for all-natural or organic produce.  Most people are not aware of the difference between the terms 'All Natural' and 'Organic'.  Organic is a certification from the USDA on...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Last weekend at the Battle Creek Field of Flight Air Show & Balloon Festival over the Independence Day weekend, there was an evening performance of a Rocket Car prior to the Fireworks show.  I did not really know much about the evening agenda, other than my wife and I went there to see the balloons and the fireworks show.  Right after the 'Balloon Illume' which I have written about earlier in my blog, there was a wonderful air show with air planes flying in loops spitting flames from their wings against the darkened sky.  It was really sensational, and everyone around was impressed. Then came the 'Rocket Car' performance, sponsored by the Air National Guard.  First of all, it should have been a clue when this supposedly super fast car had to be towed in through the gate.  I managed to b...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Last month I was invited to do a panel interview on a local Cable TV show called 'Be Scene on Air'.  The show is a weekly show on Community Accessvision TV in Battle Creek, Michigan.  The CEO of the Battle Creek Area Association of REALTORS® Kathy Perritt, Bill Hanner, the President-Elect for 2012, and myself as President of the Board in 2011 were invited to the show to talk about the local Real Estate market.  It was a fun experience, and the first time I had ever done a show of this sort with a panel discussion.  I can tell you it helped to have some personal video experience with creating my own videos for my YouTube channel.  I was able to draw from this personal experience of sitting on both sides of the camera, as well as having editing experience with what looks good and comes ac...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
At the Battle Creek Field of Flight Air Show & Balloon Festival there was a wonderful fireworks display held at the end of the evening on Sunday July 3rd, 2011.  It was preceded by a Hot Air Balloon Illume (Short for 'Illumination' if you are unfamiliar with the term) and a night time air show with bi-planes throwing fire and shooting fireworks in the dark.  It was quite an entertaining evening already, but nothing quite tops a 4th of July celebration than good old fashioned fireworks on a hot summer night. The fireworks were so spectacular, and exciting, I thought I would share it all here for you.  I already posted a blog on part one of this event.  This blog entry is about part two of the Independence Day fireworks in Battle Creek, Michigan.  This section also contains the grand fina...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
As a highlight of the Battle Creek Field of Flight Air Show & Balloon Festival held this past weekend, Sunday evening capped the days activities and events with a grand fireworks show in celebration of Independence Day across our nation. As in many places across the nation over the 4th of July weekend, fireworks were the traditional highlight of the evening festivities.  Ours was held Sunday evening, with a proposed rain date of Monday evening, which never needed to happen as the weather was beautiful. Our fireworks show was preceded by a Hot Air Balloon Illumination called a 'Balloon Illume' and a night airshow, which both were spectacular.  I shot video of the fireworks display, and uploaded it in two parts on my YouTube channel last night.  Creating videos on local events is always f...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Over the weekend my wife and I went to go see the Balloon Illume and Fireworks show at the Battle Creek Field of Flight Air Show & Balloon Festival at the W.K. Kellogg airfield.  This is a huge annual fourth of July event that happens every year.  Regretfully I had never actually attended the festival myself, and only watched fireworks from afar and chased balloons around town over the years.  This year we went to go see the balloons illuminated at night, which I wrote another post about already on this.  A added treat was in store for us after the balloon Illume was over, and it had gotten dark.  As part of the pre-fireworks show, there was an night time air show. This Night Air show featured planes flying around spewing flames and shooting fireworks from their wings.  It was quite spe...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I would have to say that one of my most favorite things about living in Battle Creek, Michigan is the annual Balloon festival that is part of the Field of Flight and Air Show held each 4th of July weekend.  This year, rather than just chasing the balloons around town, I went to the air show and attended the evening 'Balloon Illume' event that was held before the fireworks on July 3rd.  A 'Balloon Illume' is where many of the balloonists bring in their balloons and light them up right at dusk, so you can see them illuminated.  This year we not only got to enjoy perfect weather for the event, and the beauty of the illuminated balloons, but also a magnificent sunset as a back drop.  So if you are ever looking for an awesome weekend adventure on the 4th of July, you should consider coming t...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Last night I went with my wife to see the 'Balloon Illume' which was going to be featured right before the fire works show.  It is essentially an event where the balloon crews set up their balloons and light them up right as it gets dark so you can see the beauty of the balloons at night.  It is quite a beautiful event, and last night there were approximately 15 to 20 balloons that set up for the event.  The balloons are a part of the Battle Creek Field of Flight and Balloon Fest which is an annual event on the fourth of July weekend. Here are a few photos:
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Today on Sunday, the day before the 4th of July, 2011 I crossed over into 200,000 points on Active Rain!  I knew I was approaching the number, but I guess I was not really prepared to reach it. I still feel that I am still learning every day on AR, and so in many ways still feel like a Newbie at times.  I can tell you we have some of the most amazing people collectively sharing ideas, experiences, new technology and just good fun than I have ever experienced anywhere else. I want to thank all my friends that I have met on AR since I joined in January 2010, and also thank everyone who ever read or commented on any of by blog posts.  I have learned so much about blogging from my association with AR, and it has changed my life. Today, I now write for over ten different blogs, and chasing a...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Every year in Battle Creek, Michigan on the 4th of July weekend our city hosts the Battle Creek Air Show & Balloon Festival.  This year is like no other.  We have the blue angels in town as part of the airshow, in addition to the balloons.  This morning as I was having my morning coffee, I heard the sounds of balloons flying over the house again.  It was not as close as I experienced last year, but it I still managed to get a few photos.  I went out chasing them as well, to see if I could get closer.  I only was able to get a shot of a RE/MAX balloon low in the sky.  I have a lot of friends who work at RE/MAX, being an active member of my local Realtor association and current president.  So I have to poke a little fun at this one!  I think the RE/MAX balloon lost the race this morning a...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
My wife and I have been dieting for the last two months, and we have lost a great deal of weight.  I have personally lost 30 lbs since the beginning of May.  Being on a diet often means making sacrifices, and often gives one the idea of boring food.  The last few weeks my wife has been complaining about the lack of variety in the food, as we are limited to 500 calories a day.  (Really is is not as bad as that sounds, trust me.) Anyway, because my perennial herbs are now growing in the back yard around my greenhouse, I decided to make my wife a special lunch yesterday.  Take a look at this picture of my new diet creation that I call: Organic Herbal Fishless Sushi. You might be surprised to know that everything you see on this platter is edible.  Would you like a breakdown of what you are...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Every summer always brings a variety of flowers, in almost any part of the world.  One particular flower I always look forward to each summer which blooms in late June and early July in Michigan is Bee Balm.  Bee Balm is also known as Monarda, and many other names.  It is a herb, and can be used for teas.  It even historically was once used as an alternative to English tea imports during the times of the original tea party in Boston Harbor.   The true wild varieties are found three colors: red, pink and lavender.  There are also some domestically grown varieties, which tend to be smaller, and they range in many colors from red to white.  I particularily like the blooms, as to me they resemble fireworks, and that they tend to be in bloom on the 4th of July it seems fitting.  Here is a ph...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Yesterday, I decided to take a walk through downtown Battle Creek for an hour or so, and take my camera with me.  I was working on a project to address a matter with the City Commissioners about my concerns about the system of parking in downtown.  I was taking photos for evidence to present a case for reform of the current policies.  In doing so, I found many beautiful things to take photos of as well, and I thought I would share some of the beauty of the downtown Battle Creek, Michigan, also known as the 'Cereal City'.
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Part of the fun of going to a Battle Creek Bombers Baseball game is seeing the mascot 'Moe Skeeter' throughout the game.  He appeals to the kids, and is a good entertainer for the crowds.  The 'Bombers' logo is a mosquito, and when I first learned of that I thought to myself "C'mon, couldn't we get a better mascot?"  However, over the years, I have watched people respond to this, and Moe Skeeter has become an endearing part of the culture of Battle Creek, Michigan.  Moe Skeeter over the years has grown in popularity.  I finally got my wife interested in baseball a few years ago, and took her to a Bombers game, and surprisingly the thing she enjoyed the most about the game was seeing Moe Skeeter.  To find out more about the Bombers, and the league they are in, check out my other blog pos...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Musk Mallow is a species of plant that is native to Southwestern Asia and Europe, from Spain north to the British Isles, to Poland and East to Turkey and Southern Russia.  It also does well in northern climates of the United States, if you are a interested in adding it to your herb garden.  Battle Creek, Michigan, where I live, is a zone 5 on the climate charts, and it does well in this area. I planted Musk Mallow four years ago in my herb garden that surrounds my greenhouse in my backyard.  The past few years, I have only gotten a few blooms, as the plant seemed to be struggling.  However, this year we have gotten a lot of rain, the the result has been a lot of blooms which has turned out to be a pleasant surprise.  The colors of the blooms on Musk Mallow are typically pink or white, d...
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