
Battle Creek, MI Real Estate News

By Richard Stewart, REO Realtor-RDCpro, CDPE Free list of Foreclosures
(REO Specialists llc)
Large 5 bedrooom 3 bathroom split level home with Fireplace in Family Room and Attached 2 car garage. Seller is selling The Property AS IS. Guyer to verify all data. See all data and schedule showings at or CLIENTS may call Richard Stewart 269-345-7000 REO Specialists llc.  
Comments 1
By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Normally at this time of year Michigan looks like this picture below.  However, this year we have had suprisingly very little snow.  This picture I took in December of 2011, and normally we expect our February and March to pretty much be like this.  However, we are having a mind winter in the North this year, as perhaps many of my fellow AR bloggers have probably written about.  I wonder what kind of summer we can expect if this continues?  Perhaps there will be a bumper crop of mosquitos! 
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I was out photographing houses yesterday in a rural area, and trying to locate a house for a client.  I finally found it after having some difficulty locating the address numbers.  Here is the address of the home I needed to photograph.  Originally I missed seeing it because it was on the mailbox, and the numbers were not clear.  When I went through the photos later, I thought I would share this.  It looks like a touch of Americana to me.  What do you think?
Comments 9
By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I have been pondering for a few days on what my first blog post of 2012 should be about.  You know that point where you reach sort of a 'writers block' tangled with a anticipation of writing something timely and important?  I mean what will 2012 be about?  It is essentially a story that is just beginning, and like all new years it has its beginning and end and a whole lot in between. Should my first blog post be about the last year?  Or should it be about the new year?  Should it be about goals, or accomplishments?  Hmmm...  This has been my puzzle for the least few days, and here it is already January 3rd and I have not written a thing! Don't we have so much to look forward to in 2012?  Think about it!  There is a big election ahead of us, and then there is that 'end of the Mayan Calen...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
My wife and I have lived in Michigan for over a decade, and have been caught on the road in many a blizzard and bad weather conditions.  Having to live in this environment you learn a special kind of patience and skill in winter driving that is just not taught in driving school.  It is hard to explain, but it is more that just defensive driving.  It is more of a cross between defensive, and offensive driving, as you learn to not only be responsible for your own vehicle, you learn to watch carefully for what the other guy is doing in these conditions as well, and stay on the offense. Today with the wonders of the internet, you can see all kinds of amazing things.  I sometimes go onto Youtube and just explore the latest videos.  Today, after a little snow fall in Battle Creek, Michigan ov...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
As we approach the end of 2011, and arrive at the holidays I find myself looking back at how fast time flies once again.  This year as a Realtor was probably my busiest of all.  I was not only busy with my own clients and sales, but I also served as the President for the local Battle Creek Area Association of Realtors (BCAAR).    My duties as President were fun, and offered a chance to make some progressive changes for my board.  During my term as President, I helped establish a social media presence for the association that was not present before.  I established a Facebook business page, which can now be found at:  I started a BCAAR twitter account, which is @BCAARinfo and I also established out own YouTube Channel which can be found at: BCAARfilms.   I was also act...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
As you get older in life one finds that each Christmas is different.  Some times it is more challenging for me in certain years to capture that feeling I had about the holiday when I was a kid.  However, occasionally you stumble upon something that just puts you in the spirit, at least for a little while. Recently I was having an impromptu lunch with my wife at a local restaurant called 'Finleys' in Battle Creek, Michigan.  She often has a very busy schedule with her work, that does not align with mine too often, so it infrequent we can get together for lunch during a work week.  However, on Monday our schedules aligned at the last minute because I had to go with her to drop her car off for some routine maintainence.  The timing was perfect for a lunch date. When we were departing, I no...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I get a call on a December afternoon.  "Hi Michael.  I am in town today only, and get off work at 5:00pm.  I would like to see this house we talked about over the weekend at 5:30.  Is that possible?  This is the only time this week I can see it, I know it is short notice..." "Well if that is the only time you have, of course.  I will call and make the arrangements" I say.  Meanwhile, my mind is spinning with thoughts of 'No! Not today! I have floor duty at the office until 5:00'  But my mental GPS kicks into over-ride and is saying, don't worry you can get there in 25 minutes from the office...  I know that song and dance too well.  That inner struggle of not wanting to disappoint a client you have been working with, and the conflict with time, scheduling and the desire to be superman a...
Comments 4
By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I came across this photo taken with one of my cameras that I had forgotten about.  It was taken on day when I was at the 2011 National Association of Realtors Convention last month in Anaheim, CA.  It was about the fourth day, on a Sunday, and I had just purchased a 'Realtor University' sweatshirt the day before and decided to wear it at the convention.  After wearing a sports coat and tie for all the prior days, I decided by Sunday I was going casual. While I was waiting for some friends, I asked a lady to take my photo in front of the main entrance convention sign.  When you go to the NAR Convention, and plan to spend a day in the expo, it pays to wear comfortable shoes clothes as you do a lot of walking.  Very long hours on your feet.  You are also asked to wear all kinds of necklace...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
This past week in Battle Creek, Michigan we had our first big snowfall.  I went out and took some photos when it was still fresh, and I wanted to share one that I really liked.  It is a tree in my front yard that had snow beautifully placed on every branch, and it was early in the morning before the temperature rose enough to melt some of it away.  I find looking at natures beauty to be refreshing, even though the cold days are tiresome at times.  I hope you enjoy this photo.
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Yesterday we got our first big snowfall of the season.  It snowed in blizzardy conditions starting at around 2:30pm yesterday, and continued on through the night dropping an estimated 8 inches or so I would say of the white stuff.  Considering that I just returned from taking a Thanksgiving break in Miami, Florida, this seems a bit surreal to me.  I mean a few days ago I was walking around in a T-shirt looking for the shade, and today I am putting on long johns and looking for my snow boots.  Crazy. Here are a few photos of the snow that I took just an hour ago:
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
To all my friends at Activerain and around the internet, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving today with your family and friends.  It is a wonderful time to sit down and re-connect with people you don't see as much as you should, and share some stories, as well as create some new wonderful memories!  Enjoy this holiday, and I hope you have the best time no matter how you decide to spend it.  This year I am traveling to Miami.  Never done the turkey day there before.  Wishing you all the best!
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
The hard reality of the impact of daylight savings on the real estate business comes like a crash in late November each year.  The days grow shorter, and instead of showing homes in the lighted summer hours after a client gets off work, one faces winter darkness.  One must confront looking at homes with a flashlight most often, or plan your home showings around your weekend days if your job prohibits you from leaving work sooner. Every year at this time I cringe when a client calls wanting to see a home after 6:00pm.  Seeing a home in the dark, especially a foreclosure without the power on, is something I will avoid whenever possible.  It is so hard to see a home and feel one has seen it in its entirety when you tromp around in the dark with a flashlight. Also, it makes you feel like a ...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I am currently at the 2011 National Association of Realtors annual convention in Anaheim, California enjoying the educational events, the contacts I am making and also the Expo.  This is my second year attending the NAR Convention, and it is one of the highlights of my year as a Realtor.  There is so much to gain from attending this event!  Day one I attended a learning session on the economy that was eye opening to say the least.  I also learned a few new tricks in a marketing session I attended later.  Then I visited the Expo and played some of the games at the Wells Fargo booth.  I even won a horse named 'Snowflake', which you can see in the photo below.  If you are here at the convention, I hope we run into each other.  If you have never attended a NAR Convention before, I hope you ...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I was driving home last week, and could not help but notice the new artistic creation that suddenly was on display in front of one of the art centers around Battle Creek, Michigan.  It is a scuplture that depicts a sea monster of some sort coming out of the ground.  It definitely catches your eye when you drive by.  I finally had to go back by there a few days ago, and despite it being a fairly busin road, I pulled over and snapped a few photos of it to share here on my blog.  I never expected to see a sea monster this far inland, but I guess they could be everywhere...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I went to explore some walking trails around the city of Battle Creek this weekend, and of course took my camera with me.  I love taking photos at this time of year.  Autumn photography is something special.  The color is always so amazing with all the golds, yellow and red of the leaves.  They won't be around too much longer, and soon will have their branches bare.  Nonetheless, I never tire of seeing the autumn spectacle we are treated to each year. Here are a few of my photos from this weekend:
Comments 7
By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I took a drive through the Fort Custer Memorial Cemetery in Battle Creek, Michigan Saturday.  Sometimes I go there just to slowly drive through and take it all in.  It is a military memorial cemetery which is the last resting place of thousands of American heroes.  When I drove through today, I had arrived there by accident really.  I was actually trying to find the trail head of the Linear Path that runs through Battle Creek, and I followed the trail along Dickman Road right to the entrance of the cemetery.  Once there, I decided to drive through. As I drove along the long circular road, I stopped and looked at some of the special memorials.  The many fields are identified by alphabetical markers, and there is an information center near the front entrance where you can locate a particu...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
The Linear Park in Battle Creek, Michigan is a walking, running and biking trail that runs from Dickman Road near the Fort Custer Cemetery down to the official trail head that starts down Brady road and goes 6.5 miles to downtown following the Kalamazoo and Battle Creek rivers.    It then continues through downtown following the river, through Bailey Park and across Roosevelt Avenue over to Kellogg Community College, and eventually reconnecting with the original path along the river just east of downtown near 20th street.    The entire trail is approximately 15 to 20 miles long in total, and there are plans to expand it even further in the future.  The trail follows the rivers mostly, and through wooded areas, and at times through neighborhoods and commercial districts.    There are bri...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
If you are looking at trying to buy a home for the first time, and do not know where to start, I created this video below a few months ago to cover a lot of the basics of getting started.  If you have poor credit, do not dispair, there are ways to repair it.  It helps to understand the process, and what is expected from lenders, and what you might run into in the home buying process.  In this video I cover three basic areas that you need to focus on to become qualified for a loan to purchase a home.  If you would like some help in buying a home in the Southwest Michigan area, I am a Realtor.  Give me a call: 269-441-8182 or contact me through my website at:  
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Sometimes you think you will never be amazed again in Real Estate, and then it happens again, and again.  I was out showing houses to a buyer client of mine a few days ago, and had one of those experiences.  I have been working with this buyer for about a month now, and she and her husband routinely have their two little boys with them when we go look at houses.  We have put in a few offers, and due to a variety of different circumstances, we had not been successful in getting one under contract.  This particular house was selected to see by her husband from the information I had sent her, and we were scheduled to see five houses this particular evening, and this was the first on the list.  When I arrived to meet them at the house, they had also her mother with her this time, in additio...
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