12 Awesome Phone Apps I Would Like to See...
By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
In the age of 'Oh! There is an app for that!' on everyone's smart phone, I thought I would take some time this morning and throw out a few ideas for phone apps that I would like to see. Here is my wish list for all you app inventors out there. Please get started on making these, because I would certainly buy them: 1) The Crying Baby App: Have you ever been in a public place such as a grocery store, movie theatre or airplane and had to stand or sit next to a child that was screaming and crying continually? Would it not be cool to have an app on your phone that you just point at the child, tap a button and get immediate silence? Take that one and run with it app inventors! Please! 2) The Abusive Parent Remedy App: Similar to the 'crying baby app' in terms of annoyance level is the ab...