
Battle Creek, MI Real Estate News

By Dee Helping Sellers market their properties
(Homes By Owner Battle Creek)
Sometimes we find ourselves questioning what the market is saying.  The market has a way of changing and not letting us know when it changes!We have priced the property correctly at the time we listed, a few months pass and no more buyers.  It seems as though we have fallen off the buyer radar.  Maybe you have!  The market is in a constant state of movement.  This means that some neighborhoods are selling and others have homes sitting.  What causes this?  It can be schools, expected millage changes, age of the neighborhood or simply that the homes listed are not the right style or condition and your home is caught in with them.  So the market is saying you are either priced to high, your marketing techniques are not working or a combination of these and other conditions.  Sometimes the ...
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By John Stauffer
(John Stauffer MBA, E-pro,CRS, ABR, GRI, SRES)
  My wife and I moved to this community 20 years ago, and we fell so much in love with what Battle Creek had to offer that when it was time for us to move on we decided NO! I quit my game plan of climbing the corporate ladder, I earned my real estate license and my wife and I have been very happy raising our three sons in this awesome community.   What makes it so awesome? I have lived all over the United States and in many other countries and more people are involved in community service here then anywhere else I have lived. We have numerous foundations that pump millions of dollars into the community and world wide.  People get involved, they actually care, and what can be more imprtant than that?   Traffic is light, rarely do you get caught at a traffic light more than one cycle of t...
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By John Stauffer
(John Stauffer MBA, E-pro,CRS, ABR, GRI, SRES)
    For approximately 5 years we have patiently waited for the construction of the new casino that will be off I-94 at the eleven mile exit just east of town. The real estate market has been down for the last three years in the Battle Creek market but the end of the "bad market" is in sight ( just as soon as the construction equipment rolls in to start the construction of the potawatomi casino.) I have heard through several sources that the casino (at least to some degree) should be semi-operational by next fall (2008). If this is true than probably the first 1,000 employees of the 2,100 or so they are going to hire will probably be in place by this time next year (Yeah!!).    The hiring of these people will be the beginning of the end for what has been a long extended "Buyers Market" i...
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By Tracy Greenman, CRS, GRI, ABR, CNHS
(Stetler Vanderveer)
Neighborhoods, Inc. of Battle Creek, Michigan announced today the receipt of a $1,000,000 grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.  This grant, which has been divided into three amounts over the next three years, will help the organizatiion have a bigger impact on the city's neighborhoods.  Neighborhoods, Inc., a 501c(3) charitable organization, offers a range of services from purchase and home improvement mortgage loans to financial and neighborhood leadership counseling.  For more information on their services, contact me at (888) 225-7905, log onto my website at or call Neighborhoods, Inc. at (269) 968-1113.
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