
Battle Creek, MI Real Estate News

By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Last night I took my dog out for his evening visit with the great outdoors.  It had been snowing all day.  I took a look at the chairs on our back patio and could not help but snap a photo.  The scene looks so surreal.  The snow has almost entirely buried the chairs.  The snow is getting deep!
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Well it has been a long while since I have been snowed in.  Usually despite most snowfalls I can dig my way out and get around, even if slowly and cautiously.  Today, however it have been a unusual day for heavy weather. My guess is we got 10+ inches, and more seems to be falling.   I shoveled my whole driveway at around 4pm today and thought I had it licked.  I backed out only to find the street was impassible and I would surely get stuck if I tried.  No plows have gotten to our road yet, so my only other option was to try to make it back up my driveway.  I was able to safely get half way back up and had to leave my car there until tomorrow to try to do some more digging.   It has been probably three years since I have truly been stuck at home because of weather.  Not sure what to thin...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
With all the winter snow and low temperatures hitting the midwest and northeast U.S. since the new year hit, it is a wonder anyone can stay warm.  Some of the best things to do to improve the energy efficiency in your home is to make sure your attic is insulated, your windows are sealed and the weather stripping around your doors are withour gaps.  It also helps to have a high efficiency furnace with a programable thermastat, which is what I upgraded to a few years ago with my old home.  It takes some constant attention to details in the summer time to make preparations for these winter months, but in the end it is worth it.  Some people use a wood fireplace to offset the heating bill.  As a reminder, it is advisable to have chimneys checked at least once a year.  Firewood should be sto...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I took this photo in December and it seems appropriate for ushering in a New Year.  There is always a sense of new beginnings following the closing out of the old year.  New plans are made, new strategies and new wishes too.  Hope you all have a wonderful and prosperous 2014!  Make it the best one ever!
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
The new year continues with its dumping of snow in Michigan.  It snowed all day yesterday, and it is still snowing this morning.  I could go out in the mix, like I did yesterday, and probably will. However, why rush?  Is there really any urgent place to go when the snow is pounding down I wonder?  What is better than a warm office or house?  So I adjusted my schedule to stay indoors this morning out of complete and utter selfishness.   There is always work to do in my office it seems.  Websites that need tending to.  Blogs that should be written.  Books to write, or review. Clients to follow up on with appointments for the weekend. Anything to stay warm and avoid shoveling and the elements.   I fool myself, I know, to think I am really 'snowbound' as the moment I get something really in...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Now that we have closed out another year, it is always a good idea to look at the final market numbers on the year.  In comparing the medium home value in Calhoun County in 2012 ($79,948) to the medium home value in 2013 ($95,123) we see that there was approximately a 16% increase.  This information was taken from the Southwest Regional Information Center Multiple Listing Service (MLS)in review of all sales in Calhoun County. Medium home sale values are on the increase in Southwest Michigan. In Branch County as a comparison there was a 14% improvement over the same time, however in St. Joseph County there was just a 1.5%.  In Hillsdale County there was an increase of 12% in medium home values, and in Kalamazoo County there was an 8% increase. So in most of major markets in the Southwest...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I did some driving around on some rural roads in the last few days here in Michigan.  I thought I would share a few photos I took of scenery from my travels. Despite it being so cold, I still love to get out and take photos.  If you dress warm there really is no problem enjoying the outdoors.  
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Every year at this time we enter that doldrum drift between Christmas and New Years where the week does not seem quite back to normal, and the days are never typical.  Sometimes there are large periods of activity, and other years there are long spans of inactivity.  Whatever the case, and however you spend it, remember there is a new year ahead.  Take some time to jot down a few goals and plans for the coming year, and make sure those plans include creating some happy memories with the ones you love. Are you ready for the 2014 New Year? It's coming...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I hope everyone has a beautiful Christmas.  It is snowing where I live in the world, and the temperature is in the 20's outside.  The feeling of Christmas never changes despite the temperature or conditions.  May you all have a warm holiday with cheer and good tidings!
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
A few days ago I was driving to an appointment in a rural area and came across a bridge over this river.  I had to stop on my way back to snap a photo.  Wehn I got home and looked at the photo I found I had captured a unique reflection in addiction to the snowy landscape.  I thought I would share this.
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Having lived in Michigan for well over twelve years now, and traveling around as a Realtor even on heavy snow days, here are a few tips to stay safe this winter: 1) Don't be in a hurry.  Whenever you have to go somewhere snow is the order of the day, factor in added time for travel.  For example, I just made a drive this morning to Charlotte, Michigan from Battle Creek.  During normal conditions, travel time is roughly 35 minutes.  When I am crusing, I can make it in 28 minutes.  However, my drive this morning in heavy snow falls and a mix of plowed and unplowed roads took me 50 minutes.  From this example, you can see that it takes almost 30% longer to get from point A to point B.  Have patience and allow for more time.  It is just that simple.   2) When you are on a major highway, the...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Well it is that time of year again.  Snow has begun to fall all over the country, even as far South as Texas.  For some reason this year mother nature decided that our side of Michigan would be spared for a few days, while the rest of the country got dumped on.  Finally, our luck ran out last night and by this morning we have about 6-10 inches on the ground.  More is falling.   What is December without a snowfall?  It kind of chimes in the holiday spirit, and makes the season seem right.  I can remember Decembers where there was no snow and others where there was too much since I have lived in Michigan.  It does make life more interesting after the first real snowfall. One tries to remember where one stored their snow boots, where that rug went that is supposed to be near the outside do...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Today is Thanksgiving!  At this time of year it is usual to think and ponder about what one is thankful for.  As a youth I always thought in terms of material items and other forms of similar comfort.  As I get older with each year I have come to realize that none of these things are important.   What I am most thankful for on this holiday could span many subjects.  I could say I am thankful for my own good health, and the good health of my family.  I am thankful for having made it through another challenging year, with all that life throws at you.  These things are a given.  I always rejoice with thanks about these every time this holiday comes. However, this year I think I have come to realize that I am most thankful for my own ability to enjoy life as it comes. The abilty to see new ...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
In 2012 I released an eBook entitled: 'Understanding Land Contract Homes: In Pursuit of the American Dream'.  As of November 23, 2013 I am happy to finally announce that this book is available in a paperback edition for the very first time.  As an author, I started out with strictly publishing my books as eBooks because they were an easy low cost way to reach a readership. Since this books initial release however, I have had numerous requests from people to have me make this book and my other books on real estate available in print.   In October I began a project to do this, as well as release 9 of my other books in print.  so far I have now completed formating for seven of these books and they are all available in print. For a complete list of my published works, visit my author page o...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Perhaps I am biased because I have lived here so long, but I think Michigan is one of the best, if not the best States to experience the color of autumn.  Here are just a few samples of this year's spectacle that I took when I was driving around this week.  The colors are a mix of gold, copper, orange, yellow and many hues of red.  No matter how long I have lived here, I still find it breath-taking... 
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
I began in 2012 publishing books on subjects that I have long since wanted to complete.  My start in self publishing was through eBooks and I have since written and released 12 separate books.   My books are all available on Kindle through Amazon.  Some of the titles are now available on book sellers such as Barnes and Noble, Sony, Kobo Books, Deisel books, etc.   I have recently completed and approved the final proof of my first book in print which became available yesterday.  It will not be available on Amazon for another 5-7 days, and will not reach Barnes & Noble and other book sellers for another 6-8 weeks.  However, it was a milestone achievement for me to finally complete this print on demand book and make it available.   I started with my best selling title 'The Art of Sales Man...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
One of the main events of summer in Battle Creek, Michigan is seeing hot air balloons in the skies.  Every summer there is the Field of Flight Air Show and Balloon Fest in July, and on two separate events in the last decade we have hosted the International Balloon competition.  Last month I was out driving around and captured this balloon when traveling to an appointment.  I have written many times on my blog about the balloons and it never gets old.  
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
Imagine your worst nightmare in terms of a neighbor.  You own a home and the guy next door who has a larger parcel of land starts to collect junk cars.  The township you are in is small and there is limited enforcement, so the problem grows.  Then one day you look out your window and realize you really are living near a junk yard.   As a homeowner in this situation, you have a short list of things you can do really.   1) Talk to your neighbor and insist they clean it up. 2) Sell your home and move 3) Call the township and persist with your complaint or get elected yourself to the township and change the rules. 4) Call some larger government agency and file a complaint. 5) Live with it and ignore it. There are probably a few others one could add to the list, such as sue your neighbor for...
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By Michael Delaware, REALTOR®, CRS, GRI
(North Sky Realty LLC)
My wife and I decided a few weeks ago to get a dog.  We previously had no pets, and when we went looking we were determined to find  rescue dog from a shelter.  We started looking for dogs online through and began watching videos on about the different breeds and their characteristics.   It is amazing what one can learn about pets online now in the new information age.  Some of the breeds we were interested in turned out to have characteristics that we determined were not going to work for us.  Some breeds require higher activity and exercise daily, some are much more hyper and others tend to have chronic health problems.  There are many, more characteristics about dog breeds that one can learn from watching these videos. Here is a playlist on Youtube you c...
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By Richard Stewart, REO Realtor-RDCpro, CDPE Free list of Foreclosures
(REO Specialists llc)
Single Family Residence OverviewMapsPhotos $22,500 Single Family Home Main Features 2 Bedrooms1 Bathroom1 UnitInterior: 748 sqftLot: 0.30 acre(s) Location 459 HubbardBattle Creek, MI 49037USA To get updates on open home dates and other property events, please click the "Like" button below: Richard Stewart REO Specialists llc(269) 345-7000Richard@2693457000.com   Listed by: Richard Stewart Our recent listings Move in ready 3 bed 2 bath ranch with fenced rear yard and fireplaceSingle Family ResidenceSingle Family ResidenceSingle family ResidenceCommercial Property Subscribe to our listing feed Nearby properties for sale
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