I am a REALTOR® in Battle Creek, Michigan and I enjoy helping people find their way home. I am a Certified Residential Specialist, a GRI and I also have my e-Pro Certification.
Cell: (269) 274-6102•
Office: (269) 968-9293•More Info
A few months ago I was driving towards downtown Battle Creek, and I was fortunate to have my camera not too far away. I was able to capture this moment in time, with this sunset. I thought it appropriate to post this towards the end of 2012, as the sun begins to set on this old year, and will soon rise on a new one. I hope everyone takes time to draw up some exciting plans for the new year, and take their future by the reigns and charges forward with wild abandonment! If if you do not go that crazy, I hope you at least have a good time!
One of my favorite personal finds in my area is the Farmers Market in Battle Creek, Michigan. The Farmers Market is held each Saturday and Wednesday morning in downtown Battle Creek out side the McCamly Plaza. Local farmers from around the region come to sell their goods and produce, and it is a great healthy alternative to the produce you find in a regular grocery store. Additionally, the prices are very competitive and the produce in many cases is larger and healthier looking as well. My wife and I make the visit to the Farmers Market at least once a week, as we have been on a diet that is low calorie and calls for all-natural or organic produce. Most people are not aware of the difference between the terms 'All Natural' and 'Organic'. Organic is a certification from the USDA on...
Yesterday, I decided to take a walk through downtown Battle Creek for an hour or so, and take my camera with me. I was working on a project to address a matter with the City Commissioners about my concerns about the system of parking in downtown. I was taking photos for evidence to present a case for reform of the current policies. In doing so, I found many beautiful things to take photos of as well, and I thought I would share some of the beauty of the downtown Battle Creek, Michigan, also known as the 'Cereal City'.
I posted photos last weekend of some of the classic cars that were on display at the Cerealfest in Battle Creek, Michigan held on June 11th. I went through my photos and decided to post the remainder of the ones I took pictures of that were in my collection. Many of these cars will bring back memories, and I think that is why generations of people are still attracted to them. They are a more than a piece of history, they are a testimony of the artistry and craftsmen from another era. Many of these designs are timeless, and I wish modern day manufacturers would being them back. A lot of these are oldies, but goodies! A love to check out a classic car show when one comes around.
I have been blogging this week about the annual Cerealfest that is held in Battle Creek, Michigan. The 2011 Cerealfest was held last weekend on June 11th. During the event there was a large stage that was set up across one of the streets, and throughout the morning of a series of performers were presented. I happened by during one of the dance groups, and had my camera handy. I managed to get a pretty good video, and some still shots. If you look at the crowd, there were a lot of them dancing in the streets along with the performers. These performers were extermely energetic, and I was just completely impressed watching them. This was a lot of fun, and it really livened up the crowd. Nothing like having a little cereal and then doing some dancing to get your day going! I hope y...
The annual Cerealfest was just held this past weekend in Battle Creek, Michigan. It is an event that has gone on for over 100 years now, and it consists of the three cereal companies (Kellogg's, Post and Ralston Foods) serving free breakfast cereal to thousands of people. The event includes not only cereal, but games for the kids, booths with a variety of venders, a classic car show and a center stage where entertainment and broadcasting occur. This year there were also other food venders brought in, and the festival included all of McCamly Park downtown. This was due to construction on Michigan Avenue downtown. However, the change was nice and there was plenty to see at the event. As a local Realtor, I love to attend the Cerealfest and take pictures as it is one of my favorite su...
Now that blogging has been a part of my life for over a year and a half now as a local Realtor, I am constantly looking for things to write about. Sometimes photos are the best way to tell a story. This year I took some time like I do every year and visit the cereal festival held downtown in Battle Creek, Michigan. This year, I took over 300 photos and shot a lot of video, which I intend to create into something for my YouTube channel in the coming weeks. As I was going through the photos, I realized that to best understand the cereal festival, one needs to look at the faces of kids. I took a lot of shots of kids at this years event. So I thought I would share some of the ones I feel were the best candid shots of the children at the 2011 Cereal Festival in Battle Creek, Michigan. ...