How many blogs does it take to get to the settlement table?
By Margaret Rome Baltimore 410-530-2400, Sell Your Home With Margaret Rome
( HomeRome Realty 410-530-2400)
How many blogs does it take to get to the settlement table? The home was listed January 22nd. The contract was ratified January 30th. And today February 29th... yes it is leap year, we had a perfect settlement. Thirty eight days but who's counting. In the photo above, Leroy McLean(buyer agent), the excited new home owners the happy sellers Jimmy and Dan with me. Dan is holding the check and I am passing the keys. This transaction was perfect from the beginning. Great sellers, great buyers and a very competent professionals all working together. Thanks to Tom Shea, Sr. Loan Officer 1st Mariner for getting this FHA loan through in record time and we appreciate Kim Gavlin Owner, KG Title Inc. ...