Owings MD 20736 July 2010 Market Report
By Cheryl Ritchie, Southern Maryland 301-980-7566
(RE/MAX Leading Edge www.GoldenResults.com)
Here's the current Owings MD 20736 July 2010 Market Report based on recently released data from MRIS. Below you'll find some Map Displayed Owings MD homes for sale along with a Southern Market Market Report Video for July 2010. There's also a search for Owings MD homes as well as some stats and facts about Owings MD. For a downloadable customized Owings MD ENeighborhoods Report on 6511 Briscoes Turn Road , which is the FEATURED Owings Md home today, visit http://next.eneighborhoods.com/apps/nr/Report.aspx?d=nr-27396-7737871414-0 Check back mid month each month to get current market and neighborhood data on a sampling of Southern Maryland zip codes! You'll Retrieve Golden Results with Cheryl Ritchie, RE/MAX 100, for all your Southern Maryland Real Estate Services. Visit www.Gol...