MVHS Annual Recognition Program 2013
By Diane M. Phillips Realtor 443-286-4365, Specializing in Carroll Co., MD
(Frankly Real Estate Inc.)
MVHS Annual Recognition Program 2013 Manchester Valley High School's 4th Annual Academic Letter, Gold Bar and Senior Service Award Program was held today, May 3, 2013. Over two hundred and thirty one students were honored today at MVHS because of their hard work dedicating themselves to their studies and making a difference in their communities through volunteering above and beyond what is required. It was a pleasure to sit in the audience and see the faces, some of which I’ve known since they were learning to crawl, now held high as they walked proudly across the stage to receive their much deserved recognition. There were 118 Academic Letter, 81 Gold Bar, 21 Distinguished Service Award, 8 Exemplary Service Awards and 3 Meritorious Service Awards. The Academic Letter is awarded ...