
Manchester, MD Real Estate News

By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in Manchester Farms | Manchester, MD - January 2018 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Manchester Farms neighborhood of Manchester, MD. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the January 2018 full market report of homes for sale in Manchester Farms, Manchester MD.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in Manchester FarmsIn the past 6 months, 7 properties have sold in Manchester Farms ranging from a 3-bed, 2.5-bath Detached for $345,000 to a 4-bed, 3.5-bath Detached for $429,685.Manchester Farms Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (December) as compared to the 5-year December average. The market supply is 1 month, which indicates the t...
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By Peggy Yee, Search Vienna Homes For Sale - Northern Virginia
(NoVa House and Home)
Homes for Sale in Manchester, MD - January 2018 Home ValuesThis is a snapshot of recent sales in the Manchester neighborhood of Manchester, MD. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the January 2018 full market report of homes for sale in Manchester, Manchester MD.Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in ManchesterIn the past 6 months, 67 properties have sold in Manchester ranging from a 2-bed, 1.5-bath Detached for $129,000 to a 4-bed, 3.5-bath Detached for $550,000.Manchester Community Real Estate Market ActivityThese market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (December) as compared to the 5-year December average. The market supply is 3.7 months, which indicates the total number of months it would take for the c...
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By Melissa Spittel, "Achieving Results Together "
(Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage)
It's that time of year when kids look look forward to dressing up in their favorite costumes in exchange for candy.  Chocolate candy, crazy flavors, hard candy, soft candy, any kind of candy. Halloween trick-or-treating in Manchester, MD will be held on Monday, October 31 from 6:30-8:30 pm. Afterwards, many parents enjoy helping their children inspect the candy they have acquired. The candy the kids don't like? Mom or Dad may be glad to eat it.  Another great option to eating all the Halloween candy gathered in Manchester, MD, will occur on Thursday, November 3. Premier Dental Care is sponsoring their "5th Annual Candy Buy Back and Family Fun Night". In addition, there will be a professional photo booth. Other activities are in the process of being added. The Halloween candy buy back in...
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By Melissa Spittel, "Achieving Results Together "
(Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage)
Where, oh where, has the summer in northern Carroll County, MD gone? I don't know about you, but I feel like the school year just ended. But, as I look at the calendar, I realize otherwise. Many people have either moved over the past few months, or will be moving during August. Families with children try to move during the summer months, with the goal of having moved before the start of the new school year. Perhaps you are one of those families. Or perhaps you are still trying to decide whether or not to move.  Moving in or to northern Carroll County, MD is indeed a big decision.  Where do I want to move to?  What am I looking for? Where will kids attend school? Do I really want to move? How much can I afford? Should I rent or buy? The answers to these questions greatly influence final ...
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By Melissa Spittel, "Achieving Results Together "
(Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage)
 ON FACEBOOK SHARE ON TWITTER      When you’re looking for the right home in Manchester, MD you might find yourself with an endless sequence of choices. Rural or near town? Which elementary school should I live near? What can I afford? How much acreage would I like? Farmhouse, rancher or newer construction? Regardless of your questions,  there is one particular choice that bothers a lot of first-time buyers in Manchester, MD . A frequently asked question is: Should I buy a starter home in Manchester, MD or a home to last for years to come?  Single-family homes are popular in Manchester, MD  In previous decades, first-time buyers in Manchester, MD  usually went for smaller and more affordable properties. This helped them build a credit rating and gain some equity. More established homeo...
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By Melissa Spittel, "Achieving Results Together "
(Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage)
Now available!  The exclusive May 2016  "Spittel Property Report" for the North Carroll area of Carroll County, Md  The North Carroll area of Carroll County, MD consists of Upperco, Hampstead and Manchester. The most recent home sale data varies for each of these communities. For example, Upperco is currently in a balanced market, with 6 months of inventory for sale. Hampstead remains in a strong seller's market, while Manchester, while remaining in a seller's market, is inching towards a balanced market.   Click here for the current "Spittel Property Report" for Upperco, Hampstead and Manchester, Md.
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By Melissa Spittel, "Achieving Results Together "
(Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage)
      It's that time of year, the time when an increasing number of "for sale" signs appear in yards. Have you ever wondered why some homes sell quickly, while others sit for months? Why do the homes that sell quickly typically sell for close to the asking price, while the ones that sit for months undergo price reductions? There are 3 main factors that influence the ability of a house to sell quickly and for the most money. These factors are what a buyer considers when deciding which property to buy.           The first factor that influences the ability of a house to sell is the location. Home buyers usually have a specific area in mind where they would like to live. The location may be based on school district, proximity to work or proximity to family and friends, and availability of ...
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By Melissa Spittel, "Achieving Results Together "
(Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage)
  Manchester Farms is a popular neighborhood in Manchester, Md. Manchester Farms was built by Bob Ward Homes in multiple phases. Homes in this neighborhood are in demand. During 2015,  15 homes were listed for sale, and all 15 homes sold. So far, during 2016,  1 home has sold and 4 homes are under contract. There are currently no active listings of establishted homes in Manchester Farms, which makes NOW a great time to list a home in Manchester Farms. The final phase is currently under constuction.                                                                                                                                                                                                      SOLD!                                                                                           ...
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By Melissa Spittel, "Achieving Results Together "
(Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage)
 Radon, invisible and a health risk, is prevalent in some homes in Carroll County.  Is radon living in your Carroll County, MD home? What Is Radon?Radon is a naturally-occurring radioactive gas that is colorless, odorless and tasteless. It is formed by the breakdown of uranium, a natural radioactive material found in soil, rock and groundwater. Radon has been found in homes throughout the United States. In particular, Carroll County is located in Zone 1, which means Carroll County homes have a high potential for elevated levels of radon.  What Is The Threat of Radon?Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. Radon  decays into other substances that can get trapped in your lungs when you breathe.In the United States, the EPA estimates that about 21,000 lung cancer de...
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By Melissa Spittel, "Achieving Results Together "
(Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage)
  Making the Right Move in Manchester, MD Have  you thought about moving to Manchester, Md? Or maybe you've been thinking about moving away from Manchester to escape the cold, snowy winters? Whichever option is in your plans, it's a good time for making the right move in Manchester,'s a good time to buy or sell your home! Manchester, Md is a small incorporated town located in northern Carroll County. The closing of North Carroll High School in nearby Hampstead, Md may encourage some families to relocate to Manchester. Some families may desire their children be closer to their new school, Manchester Valley High School. If you are a current homeowner, it's time to think about making the right move in Manchester, Md and listing your home before there is more competition. As they sa...
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By Melissa Spittel, "Achieving Results Together "
(Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage)
Manchester Farms is a popular neighborhood located in Manchester, Maryland. Manchester Farms has been constructed in multiple phases by Bob Ward Homes. The fifth and final phase, consisting of Starlight Court, is currently under construction. This final phase of Manchester Farms consists of 15 homes situated on 1/3 - 1/2 acres sites. These homes will have public sewer and public water. There is no Homeowner's Association (HOA) in Manchester Farms, which makes this neighborhood very desirable. If you are thinking about buying a new Bob Ward Home in Manchester Farms, you need someone on your side... someone who will guide you, look out for you, and make sure your interests are represented. You need a buyer's agent.  A buyer's agent will help you have peace of mind when buying a new home i...
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By Diane M. Phillips Realtor 443-286-4365, Specializing in Carroll Co., MD
(Frankly Real Estate Inc.)
Home Office for the holidays. Helen Keller said “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.” That’s what Christmas is about, love.  This holiday season, starting before Thanksgiving, has been difficult. My Dad passed away 10/30/2015. We have been expecting it for a while but, you can not prepare to lose a treasure in your life and my Dad is a treasure to those who knew him. It’s an odd feeling, somewhat hollow to have both your parents gone. I feel like an orphan with a hole in my heart. Here’s a photo of them in front of our Christmas tree in the 60’s.  Anyway, my family, Chris, Mike, Cole and Claire, thought I did not want to decorate the house for Christmas because of losing my Dad. I didn’t honestly, however, I ...
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By Diane M. Phillips Realtor 443-286-4365, Specializing in Carroll Co., MD
(Frankly Real Estate Inc.)
Mount Ventus Road, Manchester. Open House: December 12, 2015  New Price! 2694 Mount Ventus Road, Manchester, MD 21102 Open House! Everyone is Welcome!Price: $289,900Date: Saturday, December 12, 2015Time: 1 pm - 3 pm For more information call Diane at 443.286.4365 or drop me a line at Come by and learn about this 4 bedroom 3 bath Rancher available for immediate settlement. Huge country kitchen, private 1 acre lot with a fenced yard. See everything this home has to offer today! Are you a Veteran? You can purchase this home with $0 down payment.  Do you qualify for USDA Financing? You can purchase this home with $0 down payment with the USDA Rural Development programEnjoy coffee on the covered patio and take in the view. Peaceful doesn't get any better than this.     ...
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By Diane M. Phillips Realtor 443-286-4365, Specializing in Carroll Co., MD
(Frankly Real Estate Inc.)
Can I call you back? I’m at my daughters softball game.Priorities. I don’t usually take calls when I’m at an important event. Important being relative to the person defining it. My “important,”  in this case Claire’s softball games. I do take calls from priority people during these special events if at all possible.  Determining who’s priority and who’s not? That’s easy. Family, friends, clients, and colleagues are my priorities, always. Unknown numbers, out of area calls and my lead calls - yes, I said it outloud, my lead calls are not a priority. Why? That’s easy. If we haven’t met, I’d prefer to be in a setting where I can focus on you. I may need to ask you questions to determine the next steps. I may need to listen to your sales pitch because it’s a product I’m actually interested ...
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By Diane M. Phillips Realtor 443-286-4365, Specializing in Carroll Co., MD
(Frankly Real Estate Inc.)
Manchester Farms Neighborhood Review Manchester, MD       Why Do People Live here? Manchester Farms is a larger neighborhood of roughly 350 single family homes. It is conveniently located just 8.5 miles outside of Downtown Westminster.  The homes show pride in ownership. It's not uncommon to see neighborhood kids playing the streets of this community during the summer and sledding down snow covered streets in the winter. Manchester Farms has easy access to main roads and maintains its rural setting and lifestyle.   Looking for a home in Manchester Farms? Interested in finding homes for sale in the Manchester Farms Neighborhood of Manchester, MD?  Click that link to find all the currently available homes in this area of Manchester.   What's the Neighborhood Like? The homes you would expe...
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By Diane M. Phillips Realtor 443-286-4365, Specializing in Carroll Co., MD
(Frankly Real Estate Inc.)
Hallie Hill Farm Neighborhood Review Why Do People Live here? Hallie Hill Farms is a beautiful neighborhood of just under 190 single family homes that is conveniently located just 10 miles outside of Downtown Westminster. It's not uncommon to see neighborhood kids playing the streets of this community during the summer and sledding down snow covered streets in the winter. Hallie Hill Farm has easy access to main roads and maintains its rural setting and lifestyle.   Looking for a home in Hallie Hill Farms? Interested in finding homes for sale in the Hallie Hill Farm Neighborhood of Manchester, MD?  Click that link to find all the currently available homes in this area of Manchester.   What's the Neighborhood Like? The homes you would expect to find for sale in the Hallie Hill Farm Neigh...
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By Jeri Herl, CDPE, CLHMS, GRI
(Keller Williams Realty Centre)
Four Bedroom Home For Sale in Manchester MD 3405 Millie Way   $239,000   See Property Info Here Search All Carroll County Homes Here   Thinking of buying or selling a home in Carroll County or the surrounding area? We can help!   I’m just a phone call away! Jeri Herl The Herl Home Dream Team Keller Williams Realty Centre   800-710-0815
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By Diane M. Phillips Realtor 443-286-4365, Specializing in Carroll Co., MD
(Frankly Real Estate Inc.)
When you are preparing to sell, you need to see your home through the buyers eyes. One way you can do that is to do a home inspection in advance. There are pros and cons to doing a home inspection in advance. You’ll have to make the choice that works best for you.   Home inspections reveal hidden flaws that often the homeowner didn’t even know existed. You get busy with the business of life and things happen.   Maybe you installed a new flower bed next to the house and did not realize that, although your intentions were good, the grading is now tilted toward the house causing drainage problems. Overtime the water can work its way into the house.   Maybe the attic stairs deteriorated over time and with the weight of a grown adult can break causing injury to the homeowner, home inspector ...
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By Diane M. Phillips Realtor 443-286-4365, Specializing in Carroll Co., MD
(Frankly Real Estate Inc.)
Manchester Volunteer Fire Department BINGO IS BACK!   Every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month.             Manchester Activities Building 3297 York Street Manchester, MD 21102             Doors open at 5:30 pm / Games begin at 7:00 pm             Dinner platters can be purchased prior to start of bingo, in addition to dessert during intermission.             Hope to see you there!  
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By Diane M. Phillips Realtor 443-286-4365, Specializing in Carroll Co., MD
(Frankly Real Estate Inc.)
Manchester Valley High School's 5th annual Maverick Stampede   Manchester Valley High School's 5th annual Maverick Stampede will take place on Wednesday, August 28, 2013. Pre-race festivities & the Community Marketplace begin at 5:00pm and the Stampede will kick off at 6:30pm.  (The Stampede is a 1 mile Run/Walk from the Manchester Activities Building on York St. to the Beaver St. entrance of the high school stadium area. Participants may either run competitively or participate in a fun walk.)   While being the official "kick-off" of our 2013-2014 academic year and fall sports season, the Stampede is one of our main fundraisers.  Funds raised by MVHS Athletic Boosters are given directly to the Athletic Department and are used to purchase items which are not covered by school budgets, in...
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