Another Reason To Pick The Right Lender
By Brien Berard, Maryland Real Estate Agents - Laurel Real Estate
(Remax Professionals Laurel MD)
As I have mentioned before in this Blog, there are many great down payment assistance (DPA) programs available to buyers. Programs like the Prince Georges County Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP). Many first time home buyers are eligible for the NSP's Down Payment On Your Dream loan. In Anne Arundel County you have the Mortgage Assistance Program (MAP). In Montgomery County Maryland you have the HOC down payment assistance program. Buyers state wide in Maryland have access to the DSLP program. All of the these down payment assistance programs are available in Maryland. However, not every lender has access to them. Many, if not all of these programs are available only to buyers that use a direct lender. In most cases, these programs are not available to Mortgage Brokers. Ask ...