
Wayland, MA Real Estate News

By Marilyn Messenger, Marilyn Messenger, Real Estate west of Boston
(Andrew Mitchell & Company)
Single Family Homes: Current list prices for single family homes in Wayland range from $94,900 to $18,800,000. At $629,000 the median list price is lower than last year at this time when it was $719,000. The average is $1,068,555, higher than last year when it was $946,248. The number of single family homes on the market is up approximately 11% from last year; there are 101 compared with 91. $500,000 to $599,000 is still the price range with the most homes; there are 15 homes for sale, so good opportunities for buyers. Of the 101 single family homes for sale, 13 already have accepted offers and are being shown until contingencies clear. There are 8 properties with sales pending. Closed Sales: There were 14 closed sales of single family homes in Wayland during September 2011; up from 10 ...
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By Larry Lawfer, "I listen for a living." It's all about you.
(YourStories Realty Group)
  Wayland, MA 01778 Single Family Housing Market Report August 2011 reports activity of 130 homes are either Active, Under Agreement, Sold, Expired or Canceled.   While this isn’t quite as much activity as there is in the surrounding communities, the level is a good level of activity for this time of year.  With all the negative media surrounding the economy and the housing market it is hard for the real message to get through.  There has not been a time so good to buy and sell real estate as there is right now.  It is true the lending part is a bit more difficult, but the industry certainly needs to get a better and more service oriented than it has been through the last couple of years.  Besides the banks, the current prices in real estate market along with the interest rates being so...
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By Larry Lawfer, "I listen for a living." It's all about you.
(YourStories Realty Group)
Honoring the deals you make is essential for maintaining and building your relationships.  Any good sales person can convince someone of almost anything in the short run, but if you are not fact based and honest you will get caught.  Once you are caught in a dishonesty, or not honoring the deals you have made it will be almost impossible to make that ground up again with that person, or with any of the people that person knows.  As an agent it is easy to make promises like, "I will get back to you with that answer." but so many don't.  How do I know, because I am picking up your clients by answering my phone and doing what I say I will do.  It all seems so simple, but the reality is that it is not always so easy to follow through.  Life gets in the way, new commitments get in the way, ...
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By Anna Tolstoy
(Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage)
Wooden playground in Wayland, MA - a local Gem! If you live in or near Natick, Wayland, Framingham, or are traveling along rt 27, and 30, take your kids with you some day to play at Wooden Playground, a local favorite at the crossing of rt 27 (North Main st) and 30 (Commonwealth ave).  It's actually called Hannah Williams playground, in honor of a little girl who got missing. Everybody in the area calls it The Wooden Playground.  Lots of wooden structures to play, nothing is plastic! It's quite an interesting change from your regular cookie cutter playground.  Lots of toys for common use - trucks, cars, push toys, sandbox toys, an occasional fisher price table and chair set. And of course swing set and slides. It's partially shaded by big trees around, and is perfect getaway on a hot su...
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By Marilyn Messenger, Marilyn Messenger, Real Estate west of Boston
(Andrew Mitchell & Company)
List prices for single family homes in Wayland range from $179,000 to $24,500,000. The median price is $749,900; the average is $1,288,770 - both higher than last year at this time. Although 22 homes came on the market in March and 26 more so far in April, the number for single-family homes available remains low in Wayland with only 87 for sale compared with 104 one year ago. Of the 87, 14 already have accepted offers and are being shown until contingencies clear. The average time on the market is 171 days, a few days lower than last year.  Additionally, there are 20 properties with sales pending. Lower supply is generally good for sellers as there is less competition. However many buyers are still influenced by the national news and continue to believe that if they wait they will find ...
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By Marilyn Messenger, Marilyn Messenger, Real Estate west of Boston
(Andrew Mitchell & Company)
Welcome to the Real Estate Market Conditions report for Wayland MA for March 2011.  The spring housing market is starting to bloom in Wayland! The phone is ringing and sellers are preparing to put their homes on the market. Even with more snow than we'd like to see still around, 18 new listings for single family homes have come on the market since March 1 and 4 had accepted offers in just a few days! There are also 18 properties with sales pending and there are still a couple of weeks of March to go. While the average time on the market for single family homes in Wayland is 223 days the message to sellers is: if you price your home correctly it will sell quickly, but spring market is short window so don't wait for the competition to go on the market. With just 65 for single family homes...
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By Jim Mushinsky
(Centsable Inspection)
Home inspectors working in Wayland MA are required to perform a home inspection to the Massachusetts Home Inspector Standards of Practice.  A copy of the standard will be provided to the client by the home inspector. The MA Home Inspector Standards of Practice is written for the professional home inspector.  United Inspection Service has created some easy to read Consumer Information Sheets illustrating what is included and excluded from a Standard MA home inspection.  Click the Home Inspection button on their web site to see easy to read one page consumer information sheets for each of the systems in a MA Home Inspection. Visit the Wayland MA Home Inspection web page from United Inspection Service for some useful information about homes in Wayland MA and Massachusetts Home Inspections....
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By Marilyn Messenger, Marilyn Messenger, Real Estate west of Boston
(Andrew Mitchell & Company)
Happy New Year and welcome to the first Stow MA Real Estate Market Conditions Report for 2011.Here is what's going on in Stow: Currently, there are 42 single family homes for sale in Stow MA; last year at this time there were 32. List prices for single family homes in Stow range from $199,000 to $699,900; with prices for new construction starting at $549,900. The median list price is less than it was last year at this time - $438,350 compared with $591,400 last year; and the average is also less: $460,941 compared with $541,621 last year. Average time on the market is 222 days. There are 4 single family homes with sales pending. There were 54 single family homes sold in Stow during 2010; up from 50 in 2009. Both median and average sale prices were lower in 2010; the median was $446,250;...
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By Marilyn Messenger, Marilyn Messenger, Real Estate west of Boston
(Andrew Mitchell & Company)
Happy New Year and welcome to the first 2011 real estate market conditions report for Wayland MA. Although, up from 50 last year at this time, the number of single family homes on the market in Wayland remains low at just 55 for sale. $900,000 to $999,999 is the price range with the highest increase in inventory - there are 8 homes for sale up from 3 last year at this time; so good opportunities for buyers in that range. Current activity shows that 2 of the properties already have accepted offers and are being shown until contingencies clear. Additionally, there are 10 single family properties with sales pending.The average time on the market for current listings is 254 days; last year it was 299. However, buyers consider homes that have been on the market for more than six months eithe...
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By Marilyn Messenger, Marilyn Messenger, Real Estate west of Boston
(Andrew Mitchell & Company)
Welcome to the real estate market conditions report forWayland MA. Overall, there are more single family homes for sale in Wayland than there were one year ago - 85 compared to 79, however, a closer look shows that in many price ranges there are actually fewer available. The price range with the largest decrease is $600,000 to $699,900 - last year at this time there were 11 homes for sale; currently there are only 7. The range with the highest increase is $250,000 to $299,000 - there are 10 compared to only 1 last year. Many of the homes that range are either short sale or banked-owned properties.Eight of the "active" listings have offers accepted and are being shown until contingencies have been met. Additionally, there are 7 single-family homes with sales pending; there were 16 sales ...
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By Marilyn Messenger, Marilyn Messenger, Real Estate west of Boston
(Andrew Mitchell & Company)
Here is what's going on in the housing market in Wayland MA. Currently there are 91 single family homes for sale in Wayland; exactly number as last year at this time, however there was signficant change in inventory within price ranges. The price range with the largest drop was $350,000 to $399,999 - last year there were 17 homes for sale; this year there are only 4. And the number of homes for sale between $900,000 to $999,999 has increased from 5 to 10.Nine of the "active" listings have offers accepted and are being shown until contingencies have been met. Additionally, there are 21 single-family homes with sales pending; last month there were 14 so activity is picking up again. The average list price for sales pending is $721,219. Final sale prices will be available after closing.Lis...
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By Marilyn Messenger, Marilyn Messenger, Real Estate west of Boston
(Andrew Mitchell & Company)
Here is what's going on in the housing market in Wayland MA. Currently there are 96 single family homes for sale in Wayland; almost exactly as last year at this time when there were 97. 12 of the "active" listings have offers accepted and are being shown until contingencies have been met.Additionally, there are 14 single-family homes with sales pending; the average list price for sales pending is $709,363. Final sale prices will be available after closing.List prices in Wayland range from $179,000 to $4,795,000. The median list price is $629,000 last year at this time it was $649,000. The average list price is $925,043 compared with $1,004,974 last year. Average time    on the market for current listings is 166 days; a year ago the average was 187 days. The number of closed sales during...
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By Marilyn Messenger, Marilyn Messenger, Real Estate west of Boston
(Andrew Mitchell & Company)
Here is what's going on in the housing market in Wayland MA.                Currently there are 89 single family homes for sale in Wayland                 compared with 104 last year at this time.  11 of the "active" listings have offers accepted and are being shown until contingencies have been met. Additionally, there are 24 single-family homes with sales pending; the average list price for sales pending is $709,363. Final sale prices will be available after closing. List prices in Wayland range from $179,000 to $4,795,000. The median list price is $619,000 last year at this time it was $659,900. The average list price is $969,587, just about the same as last year. Average time on the market for current listings is 176 days; a year ago the average was 186 days.  As expected, June was ...
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By Marilyn Messenger, Marilyn Messenger, Real Estate west of Boston
(Andrew Mitchell & Company)
Here is what's going on in the housing market in Wayland MA. Currently there are 109 single family homes for sale in Wayland; just 2 less than last year at this time.  15 of the "active" listings have offers accepted and are being shown until contingencies have been met; list prices for 13 these properties range from $275,000 (short-sale waiting for lender approval) to $619,000; one is listed for $1,900,000 and one for $2,700,000. Additionally, there are 30 single-family homes with sales pending; the average list price for sales pending is $709,363. Final sale prices will be available after closing. List prices in Wayland range from $165,900 (for a foreclosure property) to $4,795,000. The median list price is $659,000 last year at this time it was $599,900. The average list price is $98...
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By Lori Liveston
(Virtual Homes, Real Estate)
Wayland Massachusetts Market Report - 2/28/2010   The real estate and homes sold activity for Single Family homes in Wayland, Massachusetts shows that there was 1 single family home transacted in February 2010 with a sales price of $479,000 and a days on the market (DOM) of 49.         MA Real Estate - Community, relocation and school information with town demographics. MA Foreclosures - Obtain a list of foreclosed and bank owned real estate and short sales MA MLS - View all listings in the statewide MLS. MA Homes for Sale - Map Search - Search by location, neighborhood and commuting. Wayland MA Real Estate Wayland Ma Homes Search - Map Based Search Virtual Homes Real Estate provides search tools to assist you in learning about the community, listing and market conditions. Click on the ...
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By Marilyn Messenger, Marilyn Messenger, Real Estate west of Boston
(Andrew Mitchell & Company)
Overall sales and prices were up for residential real estate in Wayland MA during 2009. There were 128 single-family homes sold compared with 116 in 2008; the median sale price was $535,000, up from $505,000 in 2008; the average sale price was up only slightly - $585,245; the average sale price in 2008 was $582,581. And, it took less time to sell - the average time on the market during 2009 was 125 days compared with 137 days in 2008. There were 12 single-family homes sold during December 2009; exactly the same number as during December 2008; however, the median sale price was higher in December 2009 - $531,000 compared with $500,000 in December 2008. The average sale price was also up; $559,042 compared with $521,717. Currently there are 50 single family homes for sale compared with 63...
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By Marilyn Messenger, Marilyn Messenger, Real Estate west of Boston
(Andrew Mitchell & Company)
Inventory continues to decline Wayland MA. Currently there are 73 single family homes for sale compared with 93 last month; and 104 last year at this time. Current prices in Wayland range from $159,000 to $5,795,000. The median list price is $649,000 down from $689,000 last year at this time; the average list price is $1,045,913 up from $957,938 last year. Average time on the market for current listings is 192 days; a year ago the average was 154 days. Two bedroom homes (there are only 2 on the market) in Wayland start at $319,000; there are 16 three-bedroom homes starting at $329,000; there are 41 with four bedrooms starting at $369,900; and there are 16 five bedroom homes.Recent activity includes 16 single family homes with sales pending and 9 have accepted offers with contingencies w...
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By Marilyn Messenger, Marilyn Messenger, Real Estate west of Boston
(Andrew Mitchell & Company)
There are fewer single family homes for sale in Wayland MA than there were last year at this time - 97 compared to 106. Current prices in Wayland range from $199,000 to $6,500,000. The median list price is $650,000 down from $734,450; the average list price is $1,003,792 up from $945,872 last year. Average time on the market for current listings is 186 days; 16 days longer than the average time last year. Recent activity includes 19 single family homes with sales pending and 11 have accepted offers with contingencies waiting to clear. More homes sold during July compared with July 2008 - 16 closed sales compared with 13; and both median and average sale prices were up: the median sale prices was $587,500 and the average was $701,360. The average time on the market was 103 days. During t...
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By Marilyn Messenger, Marilyn Messenger, Real Estate west of Boston
(Andrew Mitchell & Company)
Welcome to the market conditions report for Wayland MA. The number of single family homes for sale in Wayland is down from last year at this time - 105 compared to 109. Current prices in Wayland range from $199,000 to $6,500,000. The median list price is $649,000 down from $699,000; the average list price is $957,847 up from $880,917 last year. Average time on the market for current listings is 183 days; 12 days longer than the average time last year. Recent activity includes 18 single family homes with sales pending and 6 have accepted offers with contingencies waiting to clear.Fewer homes sold during June compared with June 2008 - only 12 closed sales compared with 17; however, median and average sale prices were up a bit: the median sale prices was $630,000 and the average was $762,4...
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By Marilyn Messenger, Marilyn Messenger, Real Estate west of Boston
(Andrew Mitchell & Company)
Welcome to the market conditions report for Wayland MA. The number of single family homes for sale in Wayland is up slightly from last year at this time - 103 compared to 99. The price range with the greatest increase is the $300,000 to $349,900 - 9 available compared to only 3 last year so there are some good opportunities for first time buyers who may not think they can afford Wayland. The price range with the largest decrease is $500,000 to $599,999 - 16 down from 25 last year.Current prices in Wayland range from $199,000 to $6,500,000. The median list price is $649,000 up from $599,000; the average list price is $897,792 up... MOREVisit for the most up to date market condition reports for Wayland, Sudbury, Weston, Maynard, and Stow MA. Complete MLS listings with...
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