......that the Morse Library (14 East Central Street, Natick, MA 01760 phone:508-647-6520) has a variety of classes. Below is a list of just a few. Events CalendarThursday, May 20thLearn English Class - Beginners,Intermediateswhen:6:30pm, Natick, MAvenue:Morse Institute LibraryFriday, May 21stLearn English Class - Intermediateswhen:10:30am, Natick, MAvenue:Morse Institute LibrarySaturday, May 22ndComputer Class - Basic Internetwhen:10:00am, Natick, MAvenue:Morse Institute LibraryLearn English Class - Beginners,Intermediateswhen:11:30am, Natick, MAvenue:Morse Institute LibraryTuesday, May 25thLearn English Class - Intermediates,Advancedwhen:6:30pm, Natick, MAvenue:Morse Institute LibraryVisit the Morse Library website for additional information and event; http://www.morseinstitute.org/...