Natick MA real estate Market Reports 2012 year end
By John Savignano, Realtor - Hopkinton and Metrowest MA Real Estate
(RE/MAX Executive)
Natick MA, Real Estate Market Report 2011 vs 2012 year to date Single Family Homes 1/1 - 12/31 MLS Stat's # sold Avg. Sold Price Days On Mkt active inventory 2011 286 $463,000 86 55 2012 289 $504,000 69 58 Trend up up down All indications are the Natick MA single family market is improving. More Natick Market Stats Click- what's the value of my Natick MA home If you would like more information as it pertains to your real estate needs and price range- Call John 508 625-0059 I am always glad to help. Don’t forget, you can stay on top of Metro West real estate with my FREE monthly newsletter and market updates! The Market Insider report is also free and packed with useful information. When you have questions about real estate, contact me first! I will provide the latest sales data and...