NEXT! and so on into 2012
By Larry Lawfer, "I listen for a living." It's all about you.
(YourStories Realty Group)
I am sure I am just llke so many of you who did not achieve all the goals I set for myself in 2011. So what! I achieved a good 85% of them and when I set my goals each year, as I have today they are mostly reach and stretch goals. I don't ever worry about what I didn't accomplish, but I make an effort to find joy, happiness and energy in the goals I did accomplish. Setting goals sets you apart, you know. Having those goals close at hand makes you remember them. Reviewing your goals on a consistent if not daily basis brings you even further down the path towards achievement. At this point you are one percent of one percent, so why can't I achieve all my goals. Well, number one is I set outrageous goals because I want to stretch myself. In the assessment of a year I look to why the...