My grandmother, Erma "Jonnie" Fisk
By Brad MacKenzie, Turning Houses into Homes on the South Shore
(Brad MacKenzie)
My grandmother, Erma "Jonnie" FiskThe Bird Lady This picture hangs in the Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences in Plymouth, Massachusetts, an institution for which my grandmother was a founding board member. "Amah" to us, and "Jonnie" to her many friends around the world, was an ornithologist. When she told children what her work was called, and they would invariably respond, with a quizzical look, "An ornith . . . huh?", she would lean down and say, "A bird lady, honey, a bird lady." Her work with the Audobon Society included travels around the world. While working for the Nature Conservancy, she spent a winter by herself, occasionally provisioned by a friend who drove in to her isolated house from several hours away, beneath the Baboquivari Mountain Range in Arizona, banding birds...