The view from my client's new home
By Brad MacKenzie, Turning Houses into Homes on the South Shore
(Brad MacKenzie)
The view from my client's new home on Spinnaker Island overlooks a private marina, a sliver of the Hull mainland, and then Massachusetts Bay to the north from the southern end of Boston Harbor. Across the water lies Graves Lighthouse, and further north, he can see Boston Light, as well as the shoreline from Nahant to southern Boston to Marblehead. He can also see the marina area to the south from his kitchen window on the other side. The top picture is a photo looking toward his kitchen window from the north. The plane this picture was taken from was somewhere over Boston, or a bit to the south. Spinnaker Island is in the middle bottom, with white condos on it. You can see the white causeway that connects it to the headlands to the east. The view is from the north, looking toward Hingha...