Low Balling Offers, STOP IT NOW!
By William Tierney, "The Internet Savvy Realtor"
(William Raveis Real Estate)
Somewhere in the infinite wisdom of our beloved press, the public has got the message that every seller in the country is desperate to sell, and will accept any silly offer put in front of them. Would somebody please tell me why so many buyers think that ALL sellers are inclined to sell and need to sell yesterday? Okay, I will agree that there has been some bad press in the past few years that could lead one to think the market is so dead that each and every buyer is a rarity, more scarce than a blue lobster? Yes there are motivated sellers in the market. I have no doubt about that.But I need to know why buyers think everyone will fire sale their house and accept a less than fair offer? Buyers need to stop thinking that their ridiculous low ball offer will gain traction. Would the...