2013 Homes sales in Halifax, Massachusetts
By Brad MacKenzie, Turning Houses into Homes on the South Shore
(Brad MacKenzie)
In 2013, home sales in Halifax, Massachusetts, were similar to sales in 2012 and the past five years. On average, the Halifax real estate market has been very steady, year-over-year, for the past five years. 79 single-family homes sold in Halifax in 2013, after spending an average of 92 days on the market at an average price per square foot of $155. Home prices are up about 4% from 2012, but prices in 2012 were slightly lower than their longer-run average. 2013 prices were only 2% higher than the 5-year average. The average home size, the number of days on the market, and the price paid per square foot have all been remarkably steady over the past one year, two years and five years. Only 10% of all sales are for $400,000 or more, and two-thirds of all sales in Halifax are between $200,0...