By Norton Area Estate Planning Atty. Brigitte von Weiss: MUPC § 2-403
By Brigitte von Weiss
(an Expertise in Estate Planning and Elder Law )
Website: The Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code (MUPC) became effective as of March 31, 2012. The MUPC contains certain family protection provisions meant to assist with the immediate support of surviving spouses and children. One such family protection provision is the exempt property statute (not to be confused with the discretionary family allowance). Under § 2-403(b) of the MUPC, the surviving spouse has the right to remain rent-free in the decedent’s house for six months after the decedent’s death. Under § 2-403(a), the surviving spouse, or children if there is no surviving spouse, are entitled to up to $10,000 of exempt property from the decedent’s probate estate. The $10,000 first comes from "household furniture, automobiles, furnishings, appliances and pe...